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The Spruce Moose Deuce is Under Way!


Well Known Member
After building my slooooowwwwbuuuiiiiiild-6, and swearing up and down that I could do another one in half the time with twice the quality...

After doing TC inspections on all these new-fangled matched hole kits, and having to wipe drool off afterwards...

After 2 1/2 years of great flying in my -6, tempered by constant thoughts of, "I wish I had done........."

After listening to Falcon's and Pappy's constant refrain of, "there's a fix for that..."

After getting the blessing from the Mrs., who of course is accustomed to staring at the back of my head from the rear seat of our HARLEY...

And, of course, after learning of Van's extremely generous "Repeat Offender" discount...

After all that, on 10-19-06, I took delivery of my RV-8 tail kit. The Moose II is officially under way!

BTW- what kind of primer do you guys think I should use?
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"BTW- what kind of primer do you guys think I should use?"

Any quality rattle can self-etching primer. Why waste all that time with alodining and 2-part primers. The cleanup alone on that method is probably a couple of hundred hours over the life of the project.

why paint the inside if your not gonna paint the outside.
btw this doesnt mean you'll have to buy another diamond does it.
sprucemoose said:
After building my slooooowwwwbuuuiiiiiild-6, and swearing up and down that I could do another one in half the time with twice the quality..... After all that, on 10-19-06, I took delivery of my RV-8 tail kit. The Moose II is officially under way!BTW- what kind of primer do you guys think I should use?
Hey Jeff,
That empennage kit is so far advanced from our slow build RV-6 kits you won't believe it. Remember how tedius it was to make all those control surface stiffeners? Now they come on a stick, notched for cutout and predrilled of course. After dimpling and deburring, I accidently attached the left hand horizontal stab skin on the right side and didn't discover the error till I was almost done riveting....only because I noticed the horizontal was laying on the table upside down instead of rightside up. It made no difference whatsoever, the hole pattern is that precise. I recall an RV8 builder who accidently built both wings either left or right...I don't recall. Now he had a problem! Anyway, the empennage kit went together in less than 3 weeks of mostly waiting for the primer to dry! Which kind? Why Akzo, of course! :)
And don't paint the inside

gpiney said:
"BTW- what kind of primer do you guys think I should use?"

Any quality rattle can self-etching primer. Why waste all that time with alodining and 2-part primers. The cleanup alone on that method is probably a couple of hundred hours over the life of the project.

Of the skins...(just do between the mating surfaces)...Unless you live in Florida.

Frank...Zenair Zodiac made entirely of of 6061, no primer and no corrosion after 7 years.
frankh said:
Of the skins...(just do between the mating surfaces)...Unless you live in Florida.

Frank...Zenair Zodiac made entirely of of 6061, no primer and no corrosion after 7 years.


You are right. I am just doing things like ribs, spars & stiffeners. The interior skin just gets shot on the rivet lines.
I live across the street from a river and 1.5 miles from the Atlantic. Not too worried about it.
It looks like the empennage will take 5 rattlecans.
A Joke

Guys, I was kidding about the primer. Musta been too early in the morning. 'course, we haven't had a good primer war in a while.

On a serious note, one of the things I learned from the first project is what kind of primer to use. I tried several different types over the course of construction, from Variprime to AKZO to zinc chromate to various rattle cans. SW988 is my primer of choice, and only and non-alclad parts and mating surfaces.
Moose!!! I would have thought you to be so in love that only a side by side 7 would do. Separated already?!?!?! ;) :D :p :)
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Don't worry

Somebody took the words outa my mouth, "you're going to prime the inside when you haven't painted the outside."

And he had the nerve to call my plane the "Easter Egg."

Don't worry guys, Van's will have a flying saucer kit out before Jeff finishes the 8.
RV7Guy said:
Don't worry guys, Van's will have a flying saucer kit out before Jeff finishes the 8.
Hey, if it's pre-punched, then I'm gonna build one of those next!

OK, so I went out to the garage (er, shop) tonight to inventory the kit. I turn on the radio, and what song is on? "Danger Zone" by Kenny Loggins (the Top Gun song, for those who don't know.) Is that karma or what? So much for the universe getting even with me.
Jeff, did you put "Van" and "extremely generous" in the same sentence?

What is the repeat offender program (oh oh, did I ask that?).
Yeah What is That?

I will never go through that again (after two and a half years of flying I'm still refining my RV-6A) but I must admit if I were younger that extremely generous repeat offender statement perked up someting in my gray matter.

Bob Axsom
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sprucemoose said:
"Danger Zone" by Kenny Loggins (the Top Gun song, for those who don't know.) Is that karma or what?
Either that or you forgot to take the CD player off REPEAT! :D
I started with just zinc chromate, but I think i'm gonna start Acid etch/alodyning. It just seems better.
Repeat Offender discount

John and Bob (and anyone else wondering)

Van's offers a discount of 3% on the 4 airframe kits to builders who have built, registered and flown an RV.

Think of all the money you'll save by building again.