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The Big Order, finally


Active Member
You have all probably been through this before, but the RV aviation community continues to amaze me.
When I did a search for the closest tech counselor that is an RV owner, I came up with Jeff, The Spruce Moose. A couple of emails later he showed up and did his evaluation thing, gave many tips (especially gauging rivets), and gave me confidence to "enter the big order."
But there's more....
The decision of what to build may be one of the hardest things about the building process (nose, tail, tip, slide). I've done research and taken the Van's demo, but Jeff recognized that I would be making a big decision with a degree of ignorance not experience. He then arranged the ultimate demo flight for an educated decision.
A two ship consisting of a 6 tip up (The Spruce Moose) and a 7A slider (Drag) flying to lunch with a 9 builder along to make it 4 pilots in 2 planes with some stick time in each for me. Even included some take off's and landings in the tail wheel (my firsts).
But there's more...
As members of the Blackhawk Squadron, Jeff (The Spruce Moose) and Glenn (Drag) gave me my first taste of formation flying (and landings). Along the way, Jeff and Glenn demonstrated experienced pilot skills (including some "do not try this at home in your Cessna" flying); more fun and knowledge than can be described here.
This is not just another story of RVers going the extra naut mile to me. I owe more than thanks and lunch - this will not be soon forgotten.
"The big order" has been faxed in; delivery expected at Christmas.

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Well Tom, we're all dying to know- what did you end up ordering?

PS Glad that we could be of help. Like you said, a decision as important (and $$$) as this should be made from a position of knowledge (I've flown both and this is what I prefer) and not a position of ignorance (I've never flown ________ so I'll build the other.)
Under the Chrismas tree this year will be a quick build fuse, wings, and finish kit for a 7A, tip up, IO360 (vert), CS prop. Taxing visability the biggest factor. The fun factor of the tail wheel may come with my next plane, it was a blast and could be adictive. I have a feeling this will not be my last project.
T.S. said:
This is not just another story of RVers going the extra naut mile to me. I owe more than thanks and lunch - this will not be soon forgotten.
Congratulations, and welcome to the builders group. You can reward the most deserving candidate by filling out their name and builder number on Van's Finders Fee Response Form, which will arrive in the paperwork package inside your delivery crate.

Welcome Tom,
You've made a very wise choice in both the airplane and the engine. You'll also discover the greatest bunch of folk you could ask for, in this RV community. The friendships you're about to make and develop life-long relationships with are incredibly satisfying.

I just got off the phone with another transitioning guy about to make his first flight after 5 years of building and he's walking on a cloud! Life can be so good and I'm so blessed!
Well Tom, at least you picked the right canopy... ;)

But seriously, I think you made the right choice, Gimme a call when the truck shows and I'll help you unload. I'll try not to drool on it too much.