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tailwheel insurance rv's


Well Known Member
Anyone care to share what they are paying for rv tailwheel insurance if they have very little tailwheel time and little or no time in type? If you would rather, my email is [email protected]

I am trying to get my tailwheel endorsement, but it is very difficult (not a lot of tailwheels for rent) So I am trying to buy a citabria and put 25+ hrs on it, but still having hard time.

I have 200+ hrs in 172
200+ hrs in rv6a
2.5 hrs dual in champ

best option i have if I don't buy a tailwheel is drive over 1 hrs to get dual in cessna 120/140. And i will need 10 hrs they said, so that is a lot of driving.

any help advice appreciated.

austin tx
Good luck

Currently getting my TW signoff in a Citabria. Fortunately, my local FBO has a couple for instruction. They are very popular here, I'm surprised more FBO's don't have them. They also have an Archer II for primary instruction and a 180 on floats for seaplane, complex, and high performance. For every hour those other planes get, the Citabria gets 3 or 4.

At any rate, our FBO here is open to people knocking it out in a weekend, if that's all they have available. It may require more advanced scheduling, but you should see if the place offering the instruction would be willing to do it that way, or even over two weekends. It would be some pretty long days, but should be do-able. Then you're only driving once, or twice.

Also, ask around. Often there will be a fellow who owns a TW and is a CFI, but not attached to an FBO or flight school. You may be able to convince them to help you out.

Can't help you on the insurance question as I just ordered the fuselage and am many months from flying. Consider this though: Your low-time insurance rate will likely be the first year only. After that, you'd have sufficient time in type and qualify for a lower rate.

Best of luck!
I insured my RV-6 with zero hours tailwheel time (me, not the plane - it was pretty experienced) through Falcon. They required 10 hours dual, 10 solo before carrying pax. I think the first year was around $1600 for liability and $60k hull.
TW Insurance

I have my insurance through Falcon. I no tail time when I started the project. I got some dual through one of my friends with a 7. Also got a couple of hours in a 6, and Piper Vagabond. The Transition Training is a must. This was 8 more hours.

Bottom line, before I flew the plane I had 26 hours of tail time and 20 in RV's. My insurance with $75K hull value was $2100 for the first year. The second year will drop to around $17-$1800. I currently have 140 hours on the plane.

Overall time is also a factor.