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Start EAA Tech Counselor visits mid-project?


Well Known Member
Apparently, I've been able to get by for several years without knowing about the EAA Tech Counselor program. I'm well past the starting point on my -6A QB, having closed the wings and now working on installing the control column, panel, etc. I've had the wings looked at by others, but they were regular A&Ps.

Would it be worthwhile to arrange a tech counselor visit at this stage? I must admit, I'd be hard pressed to open up the wings (aside from the access plates) for the sole purpose of an inspection. On the other hand, the program sounds like a neat deal.

Anyone know of an EAA tech counselor in the St. Paul MN area?

I am "almost" done with the wings (except bottom skins) and well under way on the fuse and have not received a TC visit/inspection. I talked to a few builders at the local chapter and it seems none of them are getting TC visits either, though they have had A&P's look over their work. I will say (and I hope none of them read this) my workmanship is considerably better than theirs. I don't have any TCs around and am personally satisfied with work so I don't intend to get any inspections. Hope its not a problem at certification and I don't expect it to be.
It's never too late. On the wings, it's not too difficult to get inside with an inspection mirror and flashlight (standard tools of the TC trade) and have a look see. You certainly won't be asked to open up any closed surfaces, other than to take access covers off.

As for a TC in MSP, I assume you're aware of the VAF MN wing? They have a very active builders group, as well as TCs and a DAR among their ranks. They're a worthwhile group to get involved with.

Brad -

I agree with everyone that having a Tech Counselor visit is a good idea - in most cases, it will boost your confidence in what you are doing, and remove the nagging doubts about the quality of your project. That said.....I never had any official Tech Counselor visits during my build, and had no trouble at all during my DAR inspection. I did, however, have several A&P's that I know look over the project at various stages of the build, and entered those in my log. I don't recall my DAR remarking on those, but I may have told him about them.

Bottom line - it is always a good idea to get some different eyes on your project, no matter what the stage. But don't worry about not being able to get licensed if you don't have any official visits logged....

I signed up as a Tech Counselor recently, becasue I believe in giving back to the community for all the help I have received along the way. It's the least I can do to help others!
