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Something must be right when...


Well Known Member
You know that something must be right in the world when you come in from hanging the engine on your project and find that the wife has obviously been studying the vfr sectional in the bathroom in prep for her PPL practical next week. She also has the fine art of disappearing from work when the weather is just perfect for a quick flight in the middle of the week.
You're a lucky man. My wife hates anything smaller than a 747, but I keep holding out hope.
So did I - my first wife told me I couldn't fly anymore. My second one doesn't mind me flying, she just doesn't want to go along.

Progress..... :D
Best Wife...

Is MINE! She bought me flying lessons for Christmas last year!

A few days after I did my check-ride... I called her office and asked what she wanted for lunch. I got the expected "I don't know". So, I said - how about a cheeseburger at 2500'? After a few seconds for it to sink in - I received an anthusiastic YES.

Later she was quite amusing - and was all grins as she surveyed our valley from the sky. She also discovered you have to move the mic before you try to bite your cheesburger!

She's a keeper! :)

That does sound like a keeper. Not married yet but plane rides and $100 hamburgers will definetly be part of the dating game. As they say, you can't choose your family but you can choose a wife... or does she choose you? :confused:
Update: New pilot

Yep, we have a new pilot among us. Tanya passed her PPL practical this afternoon!
Yep, we have a new pilot among us. Tanya passed her PPL practical this afternoon!

Congratulations to both of you, but especially to Tanya today! The RV-9A experience will be greatly enhanced by having both of you serving as crew.