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Sky King

Red Voodoo

Well Known Member
Hi gang?

I hope you?ll all indulge me in a little stroll down Memory Lane. This is going to date me (but who cares?). Back when I was in the first or second grade (after the Earth cooled but before the Kennedy administration), Saturday morning television included a lot of live action adventure shows, as well as cartoons. There was Roy Rogers, and Fury, and Rin Tin Tin, and My Friend Flicka. They were all set in the West, which, to a kid growing up in the flatlands and swamps of southeast Georgia, seemed pretty exotic. All of these programs featured simple plots, lots of action, and usually a lesson about doing right.

But the best (my favorite, at least) was Sky King! I mean, the guy lived on a big ranch in Arizona, flew around in HIS OWN AIRPLANE, and helped people in trouble (or thwarted those trying to cause it). It was great! His constant companion was his young, blonde niece Penny (I was much too little to have any particular interest in her :eek: ).

Well, fast forward a few decades, and last week my wife and co-builder, as a reward for services rendered in some home renovation work, allowed me to buy the recently-released, 72-episode DVD box set. Booyah! What a sublime if simple pleasure, to sit down and watch an episode or two. I haven?t seen much that I remember from my childhood, but the feeling I get watching Sky King now is hauntingly familiar; kind of comfortable. I guess it?s just good to escape, if only for a little while, from these tumultuous times and retreat to an era where things at least SEEMED simpler.

And yet, in one of the episodes, Sky breaks up a plot to smuggle Mexican laborers into the U.S. to work for nothing in return for the promise of citizenship in a year. So, there in the middle of a fifty-year-old television show is a theme that still resonates today. Anyway, I just had to share these thoughts; I?ll bet there?s someone else out there who remembers Sky, Penny (and her brother Clipper) and the Songbird, and the Flying Crown Ranch. And I?ll even wager that someone will admit to being influenced toward aviation by the show. I certainly was?
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Red Voodoo said:
...I?ll bet there?s someone else out there who remembers Sky, Penny (and her brother Clipper) and the Songbird?

I thought of the show just yesterday.

I drove to the airport and sitting there was a pristine, early model, straight tail, polished, Cessna 310. The registration is Canadian.

I thought it must be a lot of trouble to keep a Cessna 140 polished, can't imagine the trouble a 310 would be.

I also always think of the show when I see a "Bamboo Bomber."
Flying is all that really mattered.

Red Voodoo............I?ll bet there?s someone else out there who remembers Sky, Penny (and her brother Clipper) and the Songbird, and the Flying Crown Ranch. And I?ll even wager that someone will admit to being influenced toward aviation by the show. I certainly was?
Oh yea. I don't care where the bad guys were, Sky could always manage to land that 310 close enough to the action to run em down on foot! :rolleyes: :D Here is another show you'll likely remember.......I constantly fought with my 2 brothers over an after-school programming conflict. Daily at 4:30 P.M. they wanted to watch "The Three Stooges" and I vastly preferred Chuck Martin and P.T. Moore as "The WhirlyBirds." You can still watch an occasional episode of "The Whirlybirds" on-line. I bet you remember this rousing theme song. :)
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Since I'm "dated" too, by the fact that this was my favorite series when I was a youngster, I'll have to pick up the DVD's also.

I recorded quite a few episodes, when they ran a bunch of them for a day or two on cable a few years back.

BTW- In my "failing" memory bank, it seems that there was also a "Jet Jackson"-------- I think. Just have heard nothing about it in 45 years or so. And then later there was the the "Whirlybirds" etc.

edit: as I'm writing and posting "Whirlybirds", I see that someone else did also. Great, my memory isn't as "failed" afterall! :D

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Whirlybirds! Heck yes! And a few years later, if I recall correctly, "Ripcord". That one featured skydivers. Ken Curtis (later "Festus" on Gunsmoke) was one of 'em.
I was too old to appreciate it

I remember the show But I only saw it in passing. I was too old I guess and it seemed to be aimed at a younger audience. In my youth it was the radio serials that pumped the morals and desire to be a hero, etc. Around Sky King time there was a 15 minute (I think) radio show that came on at 10pm that I snuck a radio under the covers so my brother and I could listen to it. It was called "I Love a Mystery" and the star characters were Jack, Doc and Reggie. TV will never capture the magic of those times and shows for me. In my younger days the radio heros were The Lone Ranger, Captain Midnight, The Green Hornet, Superman, Tom Mix, etc.

Bob Axsom
I have a similiar VHS set of Sky King, now if I could only find some old episodes of "12 O'clock High"......
I'll admit to being a pilot today because of this show. I couldn't wait for Saturday morning when all my favorites, Sky, Fury, Circus Boy, etc. would take me away to some other magical place and time. I'm now fifty-six, but have young kids who are the same age now as when I used to watch these shows. It makes me heartsick to see what they have for the kids to watch today, and to know what they're missing out on. Anyone remember Steve Canyon?
Steve Canyon

Boy, this thread is making me misty eyed. Remembering Saturday mornings back when we only had two TV channels. I remember Steve Canyon. I even had one of those plastic jet Helmets like his. Anybody remember Captain Midnight. I must have drank gallons of Ovaltine because of that show. I even sent away for one of the official Squadron rings. Funny but one of my Grandsons favorite drinks is Ovaltine only he doesnt have a TV show to go with it.
Tom Norwood
RV-6A N822PM ( res)
57 and proud of it.
I hated Ovaltine but I sure loved "Sky King". N-E-S-T-L-E-S was my chocolate drink. Loved that dog.

I know what you mean about bad kid's shows. I wretch at what my grandkids watch these days.

I must have only been three or four years old, but I definitely remember images from Sky King and Whirlybirds. My mother says that I talked about nothing but airplanes from a very early age, and I bet those shows had a lot to do with it....I can't remember anything about them but the flying machines - but I guess they left an impression!

I spent my early years In Bemidji, MN. In the summers, they had floatplane rides down by the statue of Paul Bunyan. I wanted nothing more than to go for a ride, and finally, when I was five years old, I got to go up for the first time....but I think the hook was set long before!

In the early 70's there was a cartoon called "Skyhawks" about a family that ran an aerial rescue service. Each family memeber had his/her own aircraft. If I remember correctly, Grandpa had a Sopwith Camel and the daughter (or mom?) had a C-172. I was probably 5 or 6 and the show made a lasting impression.

Anyone else remember that one? I've done Google research on it before and as it turns out, it was only televised for a season or two and has never made it to video or DVD.
You really hit some nostalgia buttons today, Red.
Sky King must have been in syndication by the mid 60's and was on every
morning at 0700. My 4th grade before school routine was Sky King on a
black and white Zenith and Cap'n Crunch. Next of course was the 2 mile
walk to school through 3 feet of snow.:rolleyes:

Those early straight tail, tuna tank 310's are still the best looking non fighter
twins ever made IMHO.

Paul Danclovic
Carver MN
8A post finish kit, pre inspection.
Sky King was my hero. Like others, I'm sure that was a part of the reason I'm a pilot today. Saturday mornings watching Sky King and others - Saturday afternoon on my Schwin cruiser or with my Daisy Red Ryder BB gun.

You can watch Sky King here.

Happy Trails to You....
robertahegy said:
I hated Ovaltine but I sure loved "Sky King". N-E-S-T-L-E-S was my chocolate drink. Loved that dog.

I know what you mean about bad kid's shows. I wretch at what my grandkids watch these days.


The dog's name was "Farfel". I still have the mug with his picture on it that I got for ten cents and three coupons from the Nestles' Quick box!.
Out of the clear blue of the western sky comes..

Well, YOU know who..

My little brother and I would curl up in sleeping bags Friday night in front of the TV with a string tied to the pull-out ON knob. Its cold in the SF Bay Area in the morning you see but first one awake would yank on our 'remote control' and about 5 minutes later when the old B&W RCA would warm up and quit 'floppin', we'd settle down to a Saturday morning of fun and adventure, including Sky King.

I loved the airplanes ('King' flew a Cessna Bobcat before the 310-B: Kirby Grant was a pilot himself and owned the first 'Songbird' used in the series) but have to confess a particular fondness for 'Penny'. Boys will be boys.

My brother just liked the jeep.

Great thread. Nice to remember those old things.

Sky King factoids

Sky King dotcom??!!
Related to Sky King

Although I only vaguely remember the show as a child, I did find out a couple of years ago that I'm related to the actor who played Sky King. He and my mother are first-cousins. Small world. Maybe it helps to prove that aviation is in the genes.
Bob Cummings Show

I'm another who caught the aviation bug sitting in front of the TV Saturday mornings watching Skyking.

Does anyone else remember watching the Bob Cummings show where he had an Aerocar?
Sure I remember Sky, Penny and the Songbird. Having the same last name as the famous rancher and pilot, I wasn't too surprised one day when I went out on a T-38 mission to find the word "Sky" painted on the visor cover of my flying helmet. Well, it wasn't as cool as Ice Man, or Maverick, but it sure beat some other nicknames squadron mates were tagged with.

I was four years old when I told my pregnant mother that I would name my new brother or sister either Penny, or Clipper when the new bundle arrived. They claimed that their decision to name my baby sister Penny had nothing to do with my stated idea.

I loved the show and even loved how the sponsor Nabisco, made their red wing shaped logo fly across the box of whatever in their commercials.
Wow, what memories

jsherblon said:
Sky King was my hero. Like others, I'm sure that was a part of the reason I'm a pilot today. Saturday mornings watching Sky King and others - Saturday afternoon on my Schwin cruiser or with my Daisy Red Ryder BB gun.

You can watch Sky King here.

Happy Trails to You....

What a great discussion. I agree that this had a lot of influence on my love for aviation. My bike of choice was a Schwinn Stingray for fun and my "Paper Boy Special," for my paper route. I need to get that set of Sky King DVD's. Traded up to a Schwinn Varsity in High School.

There was a show on in 80's, (I believe it was the 80's,) called 240 Robert. This was a rescue show involving helicopters. A little hokey but still fun. We need another good aviation show. Also loved the Twelve O'Clock High show.
Oh, this was the basis of my Saturday morning. If anyone is interested, check out http://www.af.tv and click on the theater button. Unfortunatly the site only seems to work with Internet Explorer, not Firefox.

Hope this post doesn't result in all the Sky King episodes being removed from the Internet.


Steve Eberhart
RV-7A, Finish kit shipping in two weeks!!
Song Bird

Sky King was, and is, an inspiration to me. I am still in love with Skys neace Penny. My First flight was in a Cessna 310 out of Pitken Co Airport Aspen,Co
I also loved watching Adventures in Paradise and the "Tekee". I spent 19 years sailing the Carribbean. I am sure that TV show inspired something in me. I have always been looking over the horizon,,,, I have over 50,000 blue water miles.
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"We can take the Songbird, Penny!"

Said Sky King to niece Penny in countless episodes. I was truly riveted. And, yes, these programs did influence my interest in aviation. (So did Superman.)

And, I was pretty young, but I do also remember Captain Midnight and his sidekick Icky. (I think he had secret decoder rings as well, but I'm not certain.)

Cool thread. Memory Lane is entirely worth an occasional stroll.

Regards all - - Tom in Sacramento
Sky King came on after the Roy Rogers Show every Saturday morning. Interesting how both sheriffs were regularly "assisted" by vehicles; the plane in SK and the jeep in RR.

Brooklyn then and Utah now,

Steve said:
Sky King came on after the Roy Rogers Show every Saturday morning. Interesting how both sheriffs were regularly "assisted" by vehicles; the plane in SK and the jeep in RR.

Brooklyn then and Utah now,
Still trying to figure out how that jeep "NellyBell" ended up in a Western.
This thread has really been fun and has made me remember things way down in my brains hard drive I thought were lost forever.
RV-6A N822PM (res)