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Rudder cable tension


Well Known Member
What is the recommended rudder cable tension for a 9A?
To loose and it would rattle so how tight is tight?
Not sure what you mean here. Your feet resting on the rudder pedals is what places tension on the cables. At least that is how it is in my 6A.

I'm afraid I'm going to have to agree on this one. 2 feet is about right.
4 feet will work if you are gentle.
Rudder cable tension 2

Glad I could entertain some of you. My question more specifically is the length of the linkage between the pedals and the rudder cable. Should it be as tight as possible or slightly slack or slack. Because the RV's do not require your feet on the pedals at all times, I don't want the cable rattling along the fuselage.
It's not a tension adjustment

Use the length of that link to adjust the tilt of the pedals (rudder and brake) to your liking when the rudder is neutral.

When your feet are off the pedals, the tension is next to nothing. It'll be set by the weight of the pedals trying to swing as low as they can, and by the friction in the bearing blocks.

My airplane hasn't flown yet, but I've never heard anyone complain about the rudder cables slapping anything. I'd suggest you set the link length to "fit" the neutral pedal angle to your liking, and proceed to the next task.

Unless you go out of your way to pull the pedals towards you in flight, my guess is that the cables will not flail around much.
sirlegin said:
Glad I could entertain some of you. My question more specifically is the length of the linkage between the pedals and the rudder cable. Should it be as tight as possible or slightly slack or slack. Because the RV's do not require your feet on the pedals at all times, I don't want the cable rattling along the fuselage.

What you are concerned about really isn't an issue. Make them as long or short as to make your feet comfortable when you *do* have your feet on the pedals.

mgomez said:
My airplane hasn't flown yet, but I've never heard anyone complain about the rudder cables slapping anything.

Actually - on my RV after it was painted I put a 4"x1" strip of the clear 'flap protector tape' just forward of the rudder. When the cables are slack they can gently rub against the side of the fuse and I didn't want the paint to get bunged up.