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Request info.. on Brad Overholser.. N13KE


I just bought a 3A from Gary Dalleske. N13KE.
Its 20 years old and not flown since 05. I have the fuel tank out
and we will re-hose fuel and brake lines. Test the tank for leaks. Also do some changes on the instrument panel. Fuel selector will be replaced, was stiff.
The O320 may be a E1F. Prop Gov is at the front of the crank case.
Hartzel was OH with recon blades.

Here is why I write...
Builder has passed on many years ago, but I admire his work... and, I would like to learn anything and everything about him....
Brad Overholser. He worked at Planes of Fame in Chino, CA back in the 70's and 80's and much of my info comes from his friend back then, Pat Kroagh (?).
From what I have learned, two RV3's were built side by side back in '80-82.
The other was built by Rocky McDonald, who also worked for Planes of Fame.
Brad was known as a machinist. The workmanship on my 3 looks really good.

Question... does anyone out there in RV land have known of Brad, or this RV-3a? Knew of him or Rocky.. or their work at Planes of Fame in Chino?

Lastly, I am thrilled to now own this 3A. Sad to know that Brad died of Leukemia back in the early 80's. From what I see, he was quite a talented craftsman.

Can anyone out there in RV land help me with info?
Many thanks ahead.. and best for a nice Christmas...
Dennis Nickson.
[email protected]
530 677-9760.
Welcome from the deep South, Dennis:)

I'll bet that you'll have your answers before the day is done.

Again, welcome to the site for all things RV.


I knew Brad and considered him a good friend, but I only became acquainted with him later in his life. Here's a brief synopsis of my recollections of him.

I met him during the time when he had Pelican Aviation and manufactured alternators and the boss mounts for Lycoming engines and RVs. This was back in the late '80s when I was building my RV-4. I was flying corporate back then and was out on the west coast on trips quite a bit. So I met Brad when he lived in Costa Mesa and had his shop out at the Fullerton Airport, I think, if I remember correctly. Brad was rebuilding his RV-3 at the time and I remember helping him a couple of times in his shop. He was also rebuilding the engine and had that in a million pieces. He was at the silk-string stage, mating the two case halves together. Later we hooked up in North Caroling and flew together in my RV-4 to Sun 'n Fun, probably around 1990. Shortly after, he was diagnosed with Leukemia. He was a great guy and a great machinist for sure. He was the kind of guy that if you needed a part made up you would find it in your mailbox a few days after you casually mentioned it to him on the phone. Probably the most memorable experience I had with Brad was that I was able to get him in the jump seat of a Gulfstream IV out of Long Beach on a test flight before he was diagnosed. He loved everything aviation and you could tell by his excitement on that flight. He was one of the very early RV guys and really enjoyed helping folks with their projects back in the days when building an RV was a lot more work!

His girlfriend's name was Leslie, and I've often wondered what became of her after we lost touch.

PM me if you would like to discuss Brad further. :)
Brad's RV-3

I remember seeing Brad's unpainted RV-3 at OSH in the early 80's. It was always surrounded by knowledgeable RV builders who had discovered his beautiful workmanship.

In particular I remember the custom slider canopy guide, the machined aileron/elevator mixer, and the flawless aft wing fairings.

How about posting some pictures of some of Brad's details?
Congrats on getting that airplane. I tried to get it from Gary, but we couldn't come together on a price. It is a great little bird, I'm very envious you got it. I'm on the hunt for one of my own.
I will ask Steve Hinton about Brad and get back to you.

I am just seeing this....
Feel like an idiot, not knowing where to look on this RV list...
Hinton is an icon and I know close to the Maloney family.
If he knows of Overholser and/or McDonald as you might, I am quite thirsty for knowledge.
I am a died in the wool aviator... always not quite satisfied...

Let me explain about the 3...
Am a real estate broker... and live in Cameron Airpark...brokered Dalleske;s home here, which led to my purchase.

I look forward to talking with you...
Thank you for writing. I am thrilled with the few replies I have read.
I want to send pictures to the group.
But I am out of time tonight.... certainly will figure it out and send some along.
I do thank you and others that have written me with offers of help and info.
What a nice group of RV enthusiasts !

Will send pictures soon when I can figure how.
Wouldn't you know it......... Mike would miss this one.

And right in his own back yard...............:D

Wait. Maybe he didn't. I just noticed this is his third post. Mike usually catches em on their first post.
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Wouldn't you know it......... Mike would miss this one.

And right in his own back yard...............:D

Wait. Maybe he didn't. I just noticed this is his third post. Mike usually catches em on their first post.

The early bird gets the worm:D

That, and EST helps,

Brad & his RV-3

I used to fly regularly in my RV-3 with Brad and Rocky in their RV-3's. Although Brad and Rocky would frequently fly places together before I finished my RV-3 in 1988.

Brad was a machinist and had his shop in Costa Mesa. As Pelican Aviation, he produced the case and boss mounted brackets for the alternator kit from Pelican Aviation, and sold by Van's Aircraft and Aircraft Spruce. The drawing for the alternator kit that was used in the Aircraft Spruce catalog almost looked like a picture, but was a hand sketch made by Rocky. Rocky?s full name is Kent Normal Rockwell, and he did create to his name sake.

Brad's RV-3 and Rocky's RV-3 were built side-by-side. Rocky's RV-3, N51RV, has the same canopy slider as Brad's RV-3. An I-beam with lightening holes in the web. I also remember machined over center clamps to hold canopy forward.

I remember Brad only working at his machine shop. A full time job for him making medical hardware.

After Rocky finished his RV-3, he got a job at Pioneer Aero, then at Square One Aviation. He was key part of building seven (7) P-51?s and a Bearcat with these organizations before he went to work for the Chino Air Museum.

I can understand any confusion between Brad and Rocky because they flew together so much.

Rocky?s RV-3 had a new IO-320 160 hp engine. Brad?s RV-3 had an almost run out O-320 engine. My RV-3 had a zero time O-290 engine. All with fixed pitch propeller.

I remember watching Brad make a front bulkhead for his RV-3 spinner dome. He didn?t like the single rear bulkhead normally used. Rocky installed an aluminum tube in the center hole of the propeller. The tube extended forward to the front of the spinner dome. I replaced spinners about once a year.

Brad never planned to paint his RV-3. Because of this, his RV-3 always looked unfinished. Especially since he had scotch-brited the rivets and skin at each fuselage bulkhead.

Brad installed a new engine with the front mounted governor and a Constant Speed propeller. I don?t remember if he had a chance to fly his RV-3 very much before he couldn?t fly anymore. As I recall, when Brad died his RV-3 still wasn?t painted.

Jim Ayers
RV-3 sn 50
Pix of N13KE

Here are pictures of Brad Overholser's craftsmanship which Dennis asked me to post on here. Click on any of these pictures to download the much-larger original size.

More to follow.

More N13KE Pix

And a few more. As before, click on any of these pictures to download the much-larger original size.
