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Recommended Reading


Hi everyone,

I'm one of what I'm sure must be thousands of RV wannabee's out there. If everything goes according to plan, I'll be ordering my RV-8 kit in the latter half of next year. (Here's to hoping the "Fastback Dilemma" is a thing of the past by then!!! ;) ) I've done the Info pack and the preview plans are on their way! :)

In the meantime though, I'm researching as much as I can and plan to setup an appropriate workshop between then and now. Whilst I will endeavour to maintain the absolutely pristine environment that Rudi does, I think I need be realistic too! ;) (i.e. I know myself... ain't no way! :eek: :D )

What I'm doing right now though is reading, reading, reading and more reading... (this has been a looooong time comming... a huge step was finally settling not only on an RV, but ultimately the -8 too). With all that being said, I'd like to know what y'all recommend as pertinant and relevant reading when it comes to building RV's. Anything you guys (and gals) think makes for good reading, please let us know. Obviously that is besides these awesome forums and all the other brilliant builders' sites on the net. ;)

Thanks in advance...
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Welcome Gary,
One of the most recommended and quoted manuals is an FAA publication; CAM 43.13. This manual covers all of the accepted aircraft assembly and maintenance practices as approved by the FAA. Many consider this to be the Aviation mechanics' Bible.
Regards, (I'm originally from Kempton Park!).
If you haven't already found it, there is a Yahoo group for the RV-8 that goes back a number of years, and although the archives are horrible to search, skimming through the topics of those several thousand posts will give you a good handle on many of they key issues.

It's a bit of a slog, but since you're not building yet, if you spend several hours every night reading, it will help you to build the schedule discipline you'll need when your kit does arrive! :p

You will need to get spun up on the certification process. A good place to begin is at


The Regulatory Support Division, AFS-600, at one time published a booklet titled "AMATEUR BUILT AIRCRAFT REFERENCE MATERIAL". It was a complete guide to certifying your airplane. My copy is 1997 and dated, but it may still be in print if you can find it. I picked it up from the FAA at OSH. Your local FSDO may have it. You need to get connected with them anyhow. Usually there is one guy assigned to amatuer building and he will set up a file on your project.

Thanx for the welcome! :D

I've been searching for CAM 43.13 and so far have found a gazillion references to it but not the publication itself... will keep digging! ;)

Thanks for the heads-up re the RV-8 yahoo group... just joined and it looks like it's pretty active! I'll definitely be wading through that one! ;)

With reference the FAA specifically, I've already started going through what would be required by our local (South African) CAA with regards regulations. Also chatted to local builders and have recently joined the local online RV Club.

What I'm really looking for though are books and the likes... if it's on the net, chances are I'll find it. Which books come highly recommended though... something that I can sit down and devour from cover to cover whilst not at my PC! Anything from building techniques to test flying (Sheet Metal for Planks, The Nutcases Guide to Engines and Airframes, Avionics and Instruments by G. I. Suck... ), anything! :D

Of the topic related books in your bookcase, which has served you the best... which one would you recommend?

Wooohooo!!! My preview plans arrived whilst I was typing... 'scuse me for a few days will you!!!! :D :D :D
If you will be using a standard aircraft engine, I highly recommend "Sky Ranch Engineering Manual" by John Schwaner.
Aviation Mechanic's Handbook published by Aviation Supplies & Academics. Quick and easy reference for electrical, drawings, conversions, hardware, tools, fabrication, plumbing, metals. Plus much more. All info, no B.S.
About the best RV specific publication you will likely find is "24 Years of the RVator." Within its pages you will find a wealth of information and building tips some of which were written by fellow RV'ers who have "been there, done that." Over the years, Van has compiled the best of the best in articles and information and combined that material into this very informative reference work. As you build your RV, you may want to refer to its pages and read how other builders handled a given task or what Van recommends. http://tinyurl.com/ydy6d6
Anything by Tony Bingelis....Firewall forward. Old school but it all works and the drawings are really cool. Oh, and don't forget Stick and Rudder by Langewi...Langevus....a guy named Wolfgang! :D
Awesome!!! Thanks everyone, this is exactly the type of thing I was looking for.... if anyone else has anything to add, don't hesitate! I'm sure there are many of us in a similiar situation that will benefit from a list of "gotta have" books! ;)