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Problem with ICOM IC-A210 transceiver auxiliary audio input noise


I'm New Here
Has anyone had this problem with the aux audio input on their ICOM A210 radio?

When the auxiliary input is enabled, I hear a noise similar to an unsquelched receiver (white noise) in my headset. This is when the ?AUX IN? config item is set to ?ON? or ?INCOM?. If ?AUX IN? is set to ?OFF?, I don?t hear the noise. This noise is present when nothing is connected to the ?Auxiliary audio 1/2/3? pins. The noise is also present if I short the pins to the ?Auxiliary audio minus? pin ? seems to make no difference what is connected. The noise does not change its volume as I change the ?AUX LEVEL? from 001 to 080. The noise goes away if I set ?AUX LEVEL? to ?OFF?. If I set ?AUX LEVEL? to ?AF GAIN?, the noise does not increase/decrease with the volume knob unless it is fully CCW at which time the noise is extinguished. Setting ?ANL? to ?ON? causes the noise to be reduced just slightly. The auxiliary inputs seem to work when I inject a properly attenuated audio alarm signal from my Dynon D180 EFIS. The noise is present when the EFIS alarm is OFF (and drowned out when the alarm is ON). I have had everything else powered down in the aircraft. This issue has been present since I bought the radio as I had the issue when I connected just the radio and headphones on at my workbench. I don?t think this is some kind of ground loop problem on the aux input since it's there no mater what the condition of those connections. I don't think it is a ground loop on the audio headset side or it would be regardless of wether the aux input is enabled. Normal receiver audio, sidetone, and intercom seem to be fine.
I?m still trying to figure out if my aux audio hiss problem is just my setup or a feature. I checked out a friends IC-A210 setup and it does the same thing as mine. I?ve sent two online help requests to ICOM in the last three weeks and no response. Maybe someone else could check this out for me on their A210?

With the receiver audio squelched off (radio silent), hold the ?RCL? button for two seconds to put the unit in config mode. Rotate the right outer knob to the ?AUX IN? selection. Rotate the right inner knob to select between ?OFF? and ?ON?. Does the background hiss come and go?

Good luck with this. I had the A200 connected to my D100 EFIS and D10 EMS with no issues. When re-did my panel last spring with the SkyView I also replaced the A200 with an A210. It worked great for seven months.

I just finished boxing up the A210 to send it back to iCom because the squelch no longer works. I've tried everything I can think of and everything iCom's support suggested with no joy so it's back to the company.
I got a response from ICOM. This is what they say:

<quote on>
We had to take some time to be able to test our A210 to see if we could duplicate what you described. We can hear some light noise when we select the Aux audio, but it appears to be simply circuit noise, nothing wrong with the radio. Since it's circuit noise, and since any connected external electronics will add to this, there really isn't any adjustment to be made that would reduce this effect. We appreciate your understanding.
<quote off>

I just got my PAR100EX and I?m in the process of installing it. I'll see how it works.

Has anyone had this problem with the aux audio input on their ICOM A210 radio?

When the auxiliary input is enabled, I hear a noise similar to an unsquelched receiver (white noise) in my headset. This is when the ?AUX IN? config item is set to ?ON? or ?INCOM?. If ?AUX IN? is set to ?OFF?, I don?t hear the noise. This noise is present when nothing is connected to the ?Auxiliary audio 1/2/3? pins. The noise is also present if I short the pins to the ?Auxiliary audio minus? pin ? seems to make no difference what is connected. The noise does not change its volume as I change the ?AUX LEVEL? from 001 to 080. The noise goes away if I set ?AUX LEVEL? to ?OFF?. If I set ?AUX LEVEL? to ?AF GAIN?, the noise does not increase/decrease with the volume knob unless it is fully CCW at which time the noise is extinguished. Setting ?ANL? to ?ON? causes the noise to be reduced just slightly. The auxiliary inputs seem to work when I inject a properly attenuated audio alarm signal from my Dynon D180 EFIS. The noise is present when the EFIS alarm is OFF (and drowned out when the alarm is ON). I have had everything else powered down in the aircraft. This issue has been present since I bought the radio as I had the issue when I connected just the radio and headphones on at my workbench. I don?t think this is some kind of ground loop problem on the aux input since it's there no mater what the condition of those connections. I don't think it is a ground loop on the audio headset side or it would be regardless of wether the aux input is enabled. Normal receiver audio, sidetone, and intercom seem to be fine.
Any news?

Hi Curt,

I have exactly the same issue with my ICOM. Did you have any luck and found a solution or did you just use an Intercom and the Ax In on the ICOM to off?

