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Private message weirdness


Well Known Member
When I get a private message and read it, the "unread" count never seems to get reset to zero. I have to manually mark the message as read. Am I missing something?

Also, when sending a message it asks "Delivery confirmation? Ok/Cancel". Cancel makes it sound like the message won't be sent, but it just turns off delivery confirmation.
Same for all of us... thats just the way it is. I think delivery confirmation is for "stalker" use only. :eek:
I've never recieved a delivery confirmation...I always click ok on that little pop up window, cause it does sound like the message won't be delivered if I hit cancel. Hope I'm not on the "stalker" list now... :eek: :D
How does that old programming saw go?

"It's not a bug...it's a feature!!

Couldn't resist....

Are you using Firefox? I've noticed some odd things as well, yet some of them correct themselves if I use IE for a session.
Ironflight said:
How does that old programming saw go?

"It's not a bug...it's a feature!!

Couldn't resist....

In a previous life I used to do ciruit design. We used to say

"If you can't fix it, feature it"

Same difference I guess.

I would be fine with removal of that "functionality"!

I mean, with all the Hooker messages I have been getting lately, it really gets in the way!

All those in favor, say AYE!

;) CJ
Why don't I get the good messages?

Are hooker messages a feature, too? If so, DR is blocking my share. Censorship again! REVOLT!!!!!
A Bit aukward for me tooo

Private messages ?? ?????????????? just use the telly... I am on,,,, most of the time,,,, call my cell##### Needing RV building help? 817 271 0594
Have the question and the drawing # and most of the the time I can help. call me.
G-force said:
Are you using Firefox? I've noticed some odd things as well, yet some of them correct themselves if I use IE for a session.

Yep. Firefox. Now that IE finally has tabs, I guess I could try it again.
False hopes


How dare you get up our hopes for a vital new feature of this site, then let us down with a link to a bunch of seat belts. I vote you down to Commander. Shame. Shame. For SHAME ON YOU!
watch out

Jaypratt said:
Private messages ?? ?????????????? just use the telly... I am on,,,, most of the time,,,, call my cell##### Needing RV building help? 817 271 0594
Have the question and the drawing # and most of the the time I can help. call me.
jay you may need a 976 # after this :D
Hard Knox said:

How dare you get up our hopes for a vital new feature of this site, then let us down with a link to a bunch of seat belts. I vote you down to Commander. Shame. Shame. For SHAME ON YOU!
