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PMA 8000b issue


Active Member
Looking for some feedback on a problem that surfaced with my PMA 8000b today. I have an RV7a with push to talk at both pilot and cp side. They both have worked prior with not a hiccup. Today, intercom stopped between P and CP. Also, when you speak into intercom, you can only hear yourself speak at the CP station not at the P station. However, If you transmit at the P station you hear your transmission and better yet the traffic/ATC hear you transmit. You can hear receptions at the P station but not the CP station. Transmissions from the CP station do not work. Sounds kinda messed up; can anyone suggest troubleshooting?
It was warm today, 75 degrees and probably a tad warmer under the greenhouse. This system has very few hours on it and has always worked flawlessly. This happened coming home in the pattern after giving some friends tour rides. Any ideas? Thanks

Have you checked the ICS key? It's in the lower left corner. Sounds like you might be in ISO instead of ALL or CRW. Check which one is selected and go back to ALL. I hope this helps.
Karl was right;

When all else fails, read the instruction manual or find someone that knows how to operate the equipment. Karl was right in his suggestion concerning the ICS key. I had somehow pressed it and changed the setting to ISO in lieu of ALL or Crew. So, if this should happen to you all you need to do is make sure the settings are in the proper mode. The audio panel is working perfectly now that I made this minor change. Thanks Karl for your help