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Photo's from a great day at Rosie's

Well I should have posted this earlier but we have been so busy getting ready to move and packing that I have not been able to get to it. I did however post it on the Yahoo Groups so some of you may have already seen them. Anyways Paul was kind enough to invite my Family and I out to his beautiful new Skypark Home in Rosamond for a look at his RV 6A. I have been wanting to sit in an RV to see if I could fit comfortably with my size. 6'4 240lbs. It actually fit alot better than I had thought it would. The previous week I had the opportunity to sit in Larry Hackney's 7A which was an unbelievable plane also. The craftsmanship in these planes is top notch. My wife was a fence sitter on me getting an RV but after going to Rosies and having a ride she is now on board with the whole thing. I would also like to say thanks to Rich Crosley who gave my wife a ride in his RV8. I took my camera up on the flight and took a bunch of shots in the air. Here is a link to the photo's I took if you want to take a look. Link to Photo's Thanks again to Paul, and Rich. What a great time. One I will never forget....
The ambassadors

Rosie one time told me that he likes taking the spouse up as much (more, if I recall correctly) than the builder types themselves. I always keep that idea in mind thanks to him. Having the significant other onboard always helps. He and Victoria really are great ambassadors for this hobby. And good job Rich Crosley for making the flight great for her too.