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Parking Brakes


Well Known Member
I'm curious as to what the general consensus is on parking brakes. Are they worth it or is it easier to just rely on chocks?
Parking Brake

Hi Paul:

I have an RV-8 and recently installed a parking brake. Other than ordering a few extra AN fittings and making a mount, there is not much additional work.

I use to have a PA-11. With a stiff x-wind, a parking brake was must have (at least for me).

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

-Mike Draper
RV-8 finish
Yes.. put them in...

I never thought I needed them until I tried refueling my Tiger (full swivel nose wheel) in a 25 kt. wind at Fox field, CA.
Whichever end of the plane you grab, the other end moves a way you don't want it to go.... :eek:
If you ever intend going to windy locations, put one in... you won't be able to get out fast enough to put in the chocks in a really strong wind....

gil in Tucson