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More insurance questions

Bryan Wood

Well Known Member
My policy is coming up for renewel again soon and thought I'd ask what others are paying and how they like their broker. I currently use Nationair and have been happy with them, but insurance is one of those things that just screams to shop around. I'm curious what people are paying and for what.

Also the question of terrorist insurance for small planes has been bouncing around in my head. For those of you building or who haven't renewed in a while the law now apparently states that unless you specifically decline this coverage a $10 charge will be added to your policy to add the coverage. My first thought was that this is silly, but the more I thought about it I decided to take the coverage. (This will be the 2nd year) While I can't see an RV being used in a terrorist act, if an RV was going to be stolen and used for this purpose it just might be one painted like the US flag. For this reason I took the insurance. It's only ten dollars, or about 2 gallons less of av gas. Does anybody know what this insurance actually covers if the unthinkable happens?

Last year I paid $1918 with $80,000 hull, 1 million... I was then charged $35 extra to have my policy read with a mandated paragraph by the county where I live listing everybody for all practical purposes in case of an accident. The airport is listed, the employees at the airport, the criminals that they bus in to work on the field are listed, etc. etc. I'm wondering if any of you have had to add something like this, and if so do they charge every year to do it again. In other words I'm trying to nail down if this charge is from the broker, or the insurer.

Another question is about getting quotes. Somebody once told me that a company will only quote you once. Here's a hypothetical to explain my question. I call broker A and he quotes after submitting my info to the companies he sells insurance for. I then call broker B and he is irritated because broker A already beat him to the actual insurers. They will not quote for Broker B. Do I have this right? This was the explanation that was given to me after several un-returned calls seeking quotes from a popular RV broker. The broker took my info, but never got back to me. When I would call the messages were never returned. Is there a trick to buying insurance, or did I get lucky and have a non motivated broker show his true colors prior to taking my money? My gut is telling me that when they checked the door was slammed in their face by the insurance company as explained above. Please, how does this work?

Last years info: Rate $1918, private/no instrument, 350TT, 180 in type. $80K hull

This years info: Rate ?????????????, " ", 500TT, 320 in type.

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Suppose you know this, but if not. Avemco is the only company that underwrites their own policies. I don't think they are insuring experimentals tho. The rest of the industry works like this I believe.

There are underwriters and there are brokers. A broker just picks up the phone and calls an underwritter, who provides a quote. Once that underwritter has provided that quote, doesn't matter what broker calls, you get that number. Only thing that would change the quote is if you provided further details on your flying times, habits, etc.

So, most of the time, you are better to pick a good broker and let them do your shopping, as opposed to picking multiple brokers as the later isn't usually going to do anything for you.

EAA most likely will use Falcon or AIG (who seems to be insuring most everything these days).

I really like Skysmith - but they are just another broker, altho they did work about 5 different quotes for me to figure out the best way to have build insurance, and then transition to in motion later with no cost penalty.

Good luck, most of this will depend on your TT, time in make and model and qualifications... And then of course, which underwritter provides the best rate... :)
Ditto Alan's info. Point of reference from my RV4 w/70K hull insurance, 750hr TT, PP SEL/Glider/Instrument, 500 in TW/type is $1448 + $10 if you want the terrorist coverage. Has gone down every year since 2001. AIG is the underwriter.

In the big scheme of things insurance has been a pleasant surprise, now if fuel would do the same I'd be happy.
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I was with Avemco for quite some time. I had a good relationship with them and was quite happy. I started shopping around and SkySmith pointed out to me that Avemco covers family members at only 25%. I looked at my policy and they were right. I called Avemco and they confirmed it. In no way will they cover family members at more than 25%, even for a higher premium. Since my wife flies with me about 95% of the time, I went with AIG. I got more coverage for less money and have been very happy for several years.
I have also worked with AIG on the claims end and they have been a pleasure to work with.
My $.02
Bryan Wood said:
My policy is coming up for renewel again soon and thought I'd ask what others are paying and how they like their broker. Last years info: Rate $1918, private/no instrument, 350TT, 180 in type. $80K hull

This years info: Rate ?????????????, " ", 500TT, 320 in type.


Here's good news for RV'ers, at least this one. My new quotes from Nationair are:

same coverage as before, $80K hull, $1,476, savings of $442
$90K hull, $1,583 savings of $335 and more coverage. Oh yeah...

RV Insurance

I have been with Falcon (EAA) since getting my 6A. I have 500 time in type, 1,400+ in SEL & Glider (310hr), $75,000 hull with $250 deductible and my renewal dropped from $1,625 to $1,350 this year (last month)!
I was very happy when I received that notice. :D