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MGL V6 Problems


Well Known Member
I could use some help with this radio.
I replaced an old 2 1/4 radio that had no intercom with a new MGL v6.
So far it is not working well at all.
Had no transmit / receive issues with the old dittel radio.

Put together a new harness for the stereo headphone and mic jacks.
On the ground trying to adjust the mic's in accordance with the manual I had to turn the mic all the way down for my LightSpeed Zulu 2, -12db.
Anything less and it seems to way overdrive the intercom.

Started out with the default vogad med, level 2 and boy is that not work at all once the engine is up to power and you are in flight.

Had vogad high level 8 and enable the bandpass mic filter to get it to quite down in flight.

The tower could barely make out my transmissions in flight, but once on the ground they could here me ok.

Was hoping someone has had some better luck with this radio, cause as it stands now the thing is useless.

Tried to call MGL but have not been able to get anybody there to talk to me

Thanks for any info.
Chris Olsen
Your description really does sound like a major screwup with the various settings.

It is very easy to adjust. It has to be adjusted correctly or else the neither the vogad not the vox intercom will have the correct range or do the right thing.

The V6 is designed to accept microphone levels according to TSO requirements.
You can adjust the microphone levels over a fairly large range and can also do this for every microphone input individually regardless of TSO.

If you are using ACTIVE headsets as you are doing - there is zero point in using either the vox or vogad intercom. In this case simply switch them off (select the vox or vogad and then set the level to zero).

Setting the microphone level is very easy - simply select a chat frequency on your radio and press PTT, then speak into the microhone. Now let go of the PTT and speak again. Are the levels of your voice in the headset the same ? If not - your microhone levels are not correct, adjust them until they are at the same level regardless of if you are transmitting or just using the intercom.

That is all.
Again - leave the built in noise suppression off (level at zero) if you are using an external system that has its own noise suppression. You cannot use two systems at the same time - the result is not good if you try.

Hope this helps.


I could use some help with this radio.
I replaced an old 2 1/4 radio that had no intercom with a new MGL v6.
So far it is not working well at all.
Had no transmit / receive issues with the old dittel radio.

Put together a new harness for the stereo headphone and mic jacks.
On the ground trying to adjust the mic's in accordance with the manual I had to turn the mic all the way down for my LightSpeed Zulu 2, -12db.
Anything less and it seems to way overdrive the intercom.

Started out with the default vogad med, level 2 and boy is that not work at all once the engine is up to power and you are in flight.

Had vogad high level 8 and enable the bandpass mic filter to get it to quite down in flight.

The tower could barely make out my transmissions in flight, but once on the ground they could here me ok.

Was hoping someone has had some better luck with this radio, cause as it stands now the thing is useless.

Tried to call MGL but have not been able to get anybody there to talk to me

Thanks for any info.
Chris Olsen
MGL v6 config

Major screw up huh?
Well I followed what little you guys have in the manual about setting the mic.
Your info below on setting the mic is not what is described in the manual.
When I get back into town next weekend I will try to adjust the mic again.

Setting those VOG / VOGAD to zero is again not in the manual, but I can try to give that a try and see if it is any better.

There needs to be more on this in the manual, as it is there is not enough to configure this without help.

Chris Olsen
I am sorry but if you take the vogad or vox (depending on what intercom you have selected) down to zero it shows "OFF". I hoped that was clear enough.

Never use a headset that has its own noise canceling system with another noise canceling system in your intercom - the result is unlikely to sound very nice. You need to choose one or the other.

You can select the VOX intercom with a noise canceling headset (ANR) if you like as this just switches the intercom on or off depending on the sound level at the microphone. Do not use any of the vogad intercom options with an ANR headset.

I will revise the manual and try and make this a bit clearer.

Not all headsets may be suitable for a V6. The majority seem just fine as long as they are built to TSO standards. Just yesterday, for example, I helped a guy that had a new V6 with a Beyer Dynamics headset and it just does not work nicely. It sounds very dull the moment you switch the vogad on. The microphone levels are also much higher than TSO dictates and it was also required to take the level right down to -12dB. I first suspected a wiring issue in his aircraft but decided to quickly plug in one of my own cheap PNR's - and the system was instantly perfect with crystal clear sound.
It appears the Beyer Dynamics has a built in filter for high frequencies - in principle not a bad thing - but the vogad system also has such a filter so now you end up with altogther too much filtering of high frequencies resulting in a rather dull sound. Partly the problem seems to be related to an after-market box added into the headset cord to allow a MP3 player and mobile phone to be connected so it may not necessarily be the headset that is the issue in this case.

CEO MGL Avionics

Major screw up huh?
Well I followed what little you guys have in the manual about setting the mic.
Your info below on setting the mic is not what is described in the manual.
When I get back into town next weekend I will try to adjust the mic again.

Setting those VOG / VOGAD to zero is again not in the manual, but I can try to give that a try and see if it is any better.

There needs to be more on this in the manual, as it is there is not enough to configure this without help.

Chris Olsen
V6 Headset choice ?

I will be ordering instruments for my RV3 soon. I will use the V6 com. I planned to use your headset assuming it is your choice for radio performance. Is there a better choice of headset for cockpit noise elimination, or does your headset handle the high noise level of the RV3 acceptably?
Thanks for your time...Larry
He is using LightSpeed Zulu 2's. Some of the best headsets made.

I don't have any personal experience with these headsets on a V6 but I'm sure they are fine. They are ANR's so please, don't attempt to use the vogad system - either just switch the vogad off completely or select the VOX intercom and set the desired VOX level accordingly.

I know some of the active headsets have a little adjustment trimmer where you can adjust the microphone output level - not sure if the Zulu has this - if it has, please adjust it so it produces about TSO levels - that would be the case if you can adjust the microphone level input of the V6 to 0dB and then have correct levels.

The Vogad system is a gain shaping ambient noise suppression system and works very well with passive headsets (including those with noise canceling microphones). It is not intended to be used with ANR systems.

Final solution

Wanted to post this as a follow up for the record.
MGL loaned my a set of their passive headsets to use with the radio and those worked better, the mic level was not severely over amplified. Must be a different mic than the ones in my lightspeeds. Talked to Matt and one of their engineers at Oshkosh for a while about this and they picked up a few other head sets to try out. They were able to confirm the issue and updated the hardware. Matt sent out an updated radio a month ago and I have installed it with much better results. My lightspeeds now work with no problems and the tower reports way better clarity in my transmissions.

Thanks to the MGL guys for stepping up and fixing this issue.
Im glad this worked out for you and that MGL came through. I like the size of the MGL radios and am considering the V-10. Thanks
Skip the V-10. It's a good radio, but the V-6 is better. The knobs are also much better for freq entry.