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Many Thanks to Doug for a great Christmas Gift

Steve Ashby

Well Known Member
After reading that Doug is going to post updates on Christmas Eve just so that we will have something to read on Christmas, I realized how dedicated our friend really is. We don't say it enough. Thank you Doug for enriching our lives. During this wonderful holiday season, we must cherish those who bring love into our lives. Your labor of love has made a big family of us all. Your enthusiasm is infectious. Your dedication is awesome. Your skill and creativity are truly inspiring. I have yet to meet you in person, but you can rest assured that I will track you down at OSH (or Lakeland, if you make it) and shake your hand. Until then, Merry Christmas friend. We all deeply appreciate you and the net.

Exactly what Steve said, Doug! I know continual updates on a website are time consuming and a helluva lot of work. Thanks for creating another "addiction" which I visit many times per day/week. :D

Thanks very much for the kind words. It's certainly my pleasure (and honor) to have so many people to call friend.

Jay Pratt says, "I got more out of aviation than aviation got out of me." I think that applies to me too!

Wishing everyone a happy and safe holiday season!


I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas and New Year.

I also want to thank you for the great resource that is available due to these forums and this website. It is appreciated!

Merry Christmas
The Yoga lady too..

But of course!!! :) The Yoga lady has a hand in all of this too. Hugs from us to her. :p

Yes, Doug you have created a star that won't fade away...The Van's Air Force and I too, am very, very grateful. Blessings to you and yours.

It's the most-fun job I think I'll ever have and I'm happy to do it for the next 30 years or so! I'll be sure to send the URL to this thread to the yoga instructor (Susie).

Happy Holidays!

DeltaRomeo said:
Wishing everyone a happy and safe holiday season!


And the same to you.

This is indeed an informed, civilized conduit of information on what we do.

May the Spirit of the Season bring peace, fulfilled hope, and safe flight to all here. We are one in an otherwise disconnected and confusing world. Long live Aviators!

Same here - made me realize how often I read VAF and how mich I enjoy it.

Early New Year's Resolution: Contribute to VAF.

Wishing you a safe and CAVU holiday.