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LOE'06 Pirep: #3


doug reeves: unfluencer
Staff member
Back in the hotel resting before the Saturday night banquet. The WX today started wet and for a few hours was peppered with a small shower every 30 minutes or so. All afternoon it has been nice.

I got to ride with Danny in the Doll as photo one and got some quality air-to-air with Vic Syracuse, Tim Olson and Alex DeDominicis in their RV-10s. I think it might be the first 3-ship RV-10 photo...maybe...maybe not. It was fun!

Here are a couple of pics from today - Falcon Flight and such. Off to raffle stuff in a bit - Amy wouldn't tell me the total raised so far....she says it's a surprise. I like Amy.

Wish you all could be here. The fellowship is hard to describe.



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