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VAF Moderator
My wife and I just returned to Denver from LOE and I just have to say I had a wonderfull time. Again, Red, Vertterman and Doug put on a good show. Oh, I can't forget the 5T6 staff too. Wonderfull job guys/gals. Food was great, plenty of GOOD beer and chatting with friends. A lot of new faces this year. At least half the crowd was attending for the first time. Weather was a little iffy getting out this morning with west and north being the prefered routes. I hope you eastern flyers had a safe trip home

The best part is we raised $14000+ for charity.

I was one of the "Newbies" at LOE, and I loved it - what a great, laid-back fly-in. One of the absolutely best thigns had to be puttign faces to all of the names I have seen here so many times, and the reinforcement of just how great most RV people really are. I real treat for me was getting invited to ride along on an RV-10 photo flight with Vic Syracuse - what a beautiful and smooth-flying airplane!

I have never seen a friendlier bunch of folks putting on a fly-in - I'll be back,and I'll encourage every othr RV'er I see in the next year to go, and we'll raise even MORE for the charities next time!!

LOE Suggestion for Doug

This was my 4th LOE, and as always a great time. As noted above, we raised over $14K. Several of the kids from the charity attended the dinner. Doug, how about next year we organize some short flights for these kids, perhaps a mini Young Eagles? Show these kids that besides raising money, pilots and planes are fun stuff. Just a thought.
In the works, Glenn! Vic suggested some Young Eagles a couple of days before the event and I got too swamped to research it properly. It's a wonderful idea and we'll be sure to do it next year!

Young Eagles

Count me and my RV-10 for the Young Eagles flights next year. Remember you have to be an EAA member and have liability insurance to particpate as a Young Eagle pilot. We do 1-2 Young Eagle days in Lubbock each year.

Thanks to Doug, Red, Larry, and all the rest of the unnamed LOE group that made this another wonderful weekend.

See you all next year
Young Eagles and RV's.

I have flown 12 Young Eagles in my "Enterprise" RV-9A since August 2005. Ten of those flights were on one weekend. All but one had a good experience. That one did not realize that you have to bank an airplane to turn it. All the others learned how to steer an airplane and discovered the difference between indicated airspeed, true airspeed, tail winds, head winds, and GPS ground speed. I try to give each one an expired sectional chart as a souvenier of their flight. That includes a pre-flight review of the basics of what is on the chart. I also show each one how the airplane is built by letting them look through the lightening holes in the horizontal stabilizer when I deflect the elevator by hand. They are really surprised that they can see all the way though to daylight on the other end of the HS.


For LOE7, if the weather holds and I can get there, count me in for Young Eagle flights.

Jerry K. Thorne
Hobbs = 210.2 hours