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Kobalt compressors


Well Known Member
Anyone have experience with these (sold at Lowe's)?
I have read that all these compressors are basically the same parts (China) sold with different paint and brand names. Just wondered if anyone had experience with these.
I walked into the local Lowe's today and they had a floor model brand new sitting by the door; 60gal, oiled, 12.4 CFM @90psi only 100$. No damage or anything. I don't really NEED :D it, but it sure would be nice to have a quiet compressor and for 100$....

I have the 60gal Kobalt. I can't imagine why that one's so cheap. Mine was significantly more. Does the one you're looking at run on 220? Mine does.

Anyhow, I've been very happy with mine. It's given me 0 trouble and keeps up with anything I can throw at it, including the die grinder. Nooooo problem.
WOW! That was fast.
It does run on 220, but I have a dedicated 200A service for the shop and the breaker box is 10' away and easily accessible.
I couldn't believe it either ... that's why it's on hold for me till tomorrow while I "research" a little more :D

Thanks for the reply.

I'm leavin' for Indy right now to find that Lowe's store...the shift has probably changed by now, and I'm now known as 'Thomas Short' for the evening! :D :p
Someone messed up on that price tag! Reminds me of a similar situation I was in last night. Decided I'm going to alter my seats to accomodate the sticks. So after trying to find an upholstery shop to do the work, I decided I'd rather just do it myself. Stopped by Wal-Mart to pick up a $100-125 sewing machine and give it a go.

Well, checking out, I expected a $130-135 bill. She said "$220-something". So I said, "no thanks - I intended to get the $120 model. Let's cancel this transaction and I'll go get the $120 machine."

The customer service manager came over to key in the cancelled transaction code and asked how much was the item I was looking for. Said $120 or so. So he clicked in $119.95!

It finally dawned on me that he just knocked $90-95 off the sale apparently because I picked up an item placed above the wrong tag!

Almost felt guilty as I carted my super-whammy new sewing machine to the truck!! But I was a happy customer! :)
required to give you maraked price

If the price was marked wrong, don't let it go. They must give it to you for the marked price (in California anyway). Some stores are notorious for marking prices wrong.
Put a hat on it and stand it in the front yard

Its halloween after all and I've seen standing monster decorations around town going for about what they want for your compressor.

Dont forget the google eyes and be sure to plug it in when those little trick or treaters approach :eek:

Too much fun.

Tomorrow, drag it into the shop and get busy..
Lucky guy...

That compressor is going for $100 because it's going non-stock. The vendor is supplying a new model, so the stores need to get rid of their current stock of the older model before putting the new model on the floor. I wish I'd had some spare $$$ when we sold them off at my store; I'd have dumped my 30gal Craftsman in a heartbeat...