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Kahuna hooks another one!


Well Known Member
Thanks go out to Kahuna for giving me my first ride in an RV last weekend. Not only do I have the ?grin?, but he knocked me off of the fence I have been straddling the last few years. What an incredible airplane! My normal ride is an old Mooney, and until Saturday I thought it was a fast plane! Mike let me take it for a few minutes, but I was pretty timid. I guess I was afraid I?d break it or something. But, I was pretty impressed with the responsiveness and stability. Next I was treated to an awesome display of aerobatics (never done that before!), including hammerheads, rolls, Cuban 8s and some stuff I don?t even know the name of. The highlight was a low pass over a lake followed by a carrier break into the pattern. Wow.

I?ve been following the RV since before I started flying. I remember reading Dan C?s site while he was still building, and VAF has been one of my regular goofing off visits for the last 3 years. I?ve been acquiring my tools over the past six months, but it is finally time to stop lurking. If my wife doesn?t act on the well placed hints for Xmas, my empennage will be ordered on Dec 26, or as soon as Van?s opens back up. Regular poster Jamie P. has agreed to show me the ins & outs of riveting over the Xmas vacation.

I really appreciate the chance to take my first ride in this incredible airplane with such an awesome pilot. Mike, you are a great ambassador for this awesome community. I look forward to joining you all in a couple of years.

Mooney 6727N
RV Grin, checkbook ready
Welcome to the Party

Welcome aboard. However you have to remember that Kahuna really gave you a ride in a Rocket, not an RV. :p It has a way of spoiling you. Many thanks to Kahuna for adding another builder to the mix. It's all fun.
All in a days work. SO there I was walking the ramp after a great pancake breakfast, checking out the planes, people coming and going. And I notice a partucular pair of fellas pouring over my plane. They had been there for a while so I decided to introduce myself.

John says "I've been thinking of building an rv".... Hmmm
"Every been in one?"
"Well lets go"

And likety split we are belted in and going flying on this beautiful clear cool day.
While departing the pattern I do my usual assesment of this guy in the back.
"You fly?"
"Yes I have a Money"
"Great, how much time do you have?"
"Not much, Im just a low time spam driver"

"Ding, ding ding, woop woop" bells and sirens go off in my head. Not sure if he heard them or saw the S#@! eatin grin on my face. Those are the words I love to hear. My favorite type of GIB. He knows how to fly, yet really has not experienced flying, at least not my idea of flying.

So I give him the the A ride and another hook is set. We both had a blast.

Poor John, had to leave me afterwards to go with his instructor for some IFR work in his Mooney. No doubt he could not get the RV grin out of his head during that dual. Thoughts of building and flying his own RV one day.

So there you have it.
Another friend to have out at the airport.
Life is good.
You guys contemplating your own RV one day, get your butts out to the airport and say hello to a fellow RV'er. You just never know how your day, or life, might turn out.

Hey John:

Didn't I tell you not to get a ride unless you were ready to cut a check? :p

Kahuna got a LOT of people into this hobby, including me. When he gave me a ride in his old -6A I had only seen pictures of RVs before, and had no clue what it took to build one. On takeoff, we were about 5 feet off the ground and I said to myself "I don't know what it takes to build one of these things or how I'll ever be able to afford it, but I'm going to build one".

John says "I've been thinking of building an rv".... Hmmm
"Every been in one?"
"Well lets go

John, why you gotta lie like that? You were in my RV9 a couple months ago. 'Course we didn't fly anywhere because I was still in phase 1, but I did let you sit in the driver's seat. Even have a picture to prove it! :eek:

Seriously though, my new paint job will be finished in a few days and I'm looking forward to coming up to LZU for breakfast again. Then you'll get your first ride in a sceamin' RV9.
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Kahuna is quite the ambassador... rides in his planes gave me the required motivation to keep going. It's all worth it in the end. And Kahuna is still keeping me hooked - learning all this formation stuff!

In a few more hours, John, you're welcome to see what the 7 is like, albeit the nosedragger. You know where I'm at!

27 out of the 40 down, 13 to go.
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