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How do you store/organize your drill bits?


Well Known Member
I would really like to improve the way I store & organize my drill bits. I've got a hodge podge of bags, plastic bins and little tubes from Avery (I like these tubes the best) and old bits strewn all over the place.

Has anyone comes up with good way to organize all the drill bits and reamers - and keep new bits separated from used ones?
Probably not the most elegant solution, but it works for me. I just took a hunk of scrap MDF and drilled the appropriate sized holes in filled them with bits. Now the biggest problem I'm having is getting different sized bits that don't already have holes for them and now they're going to be out of order! Oh well.

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As far as used vs. new, if a bit is in used enough condition to not be considered new, it gets filed in the garbage can. I'll gladly pay for new bits rather than try to save a few dollars over the course of a project fighting with questionably sharp bits!

I use scrap packing foam. I look for sheets 1-2" thick and cut out squares of 4-6".
I then take a thick Sharpie and write the size real big on it like "40". I then punch in all my #40 bits and reamers. I do the same for 30, 12, 19, 21, 1/8" 3/16" etc. This way I can easily grab exactly what I need. As far as used bits go, I toss the dull ones.
I feel your pain... I have been wanting to do something about my bits too, but I have just been to busy (or lazy) to actually do it. :)

For the new bits, I just keep all them in the the little baggies they came in until I need them. The currently-in-use (used) bits then get put into an unorganized tray in my tool chest. I haven't had a problem yet, but I am always very careful about making sure I've picked up the right bit. I am sure my luck will run out some day. ;)

For the currently-in-use bits I have been thinking of picking up an empty drill bit case from Brown Tool when I order from them next, but who knows when that will be. I am sure other vendors sell them as well, but Brown Tool came to mind.

When a bit gets to the point that I will never use it on the kit again, I just put it in a container of used-used-bits. I use them for drilling scrap, wood or whatever.

I am all ears if anybody has any suggestions.
Funny You Should Ask

Funny you should ask about this, I just conjured this solution up to the same problem you're facing, and there is not much in my shop that I am prouder of at the moment (I am SUCH a dork).


I had a lot of different sizes, with only one or two of each. Lots of 6" bits plus lots of threaded ones in short, medium, and long. I wanted easy access, expandability, and it had to be cheap.

The shelves I made from scrap lumber, and I bought 100 boxes from PaperMart online.
They're 6-1/2 X 1-3/8 X 7/8 WHITE SWIRL SILVERWARE BOX, #451061, $33.00 CASE + Freight $8.69. They come with foam in them (toss) and the tops are a bit deeper than the bottoms. I still have probably 30 tops and 100 bottoms if you'd like some, contact me.

The top shelves have some sizing guides, unibits, and other packaged sets. You can probably see I've got multiple boxes for 1/4". All the bits, as well as threaded bits, countersinks, reamers, and deburrers fit great, but when they don't, or when you want to keep new from used, or reamers separate, just add a box. Also, as I add new sizes, there's plenty of room to grow.

Hope this helps.

Like Greg, I used the rigid foam blocks packed around my wing spars. I keep the 8 or so common sizes stuck in size order on the roll-around work center. My Clear-Air rivet gages and unibits are also stored in the same block.
I have a couple small tackle boxes that hold most of the more commonly used bits. These boxes are only about 4x8x1 and have 5 or 6 bins in them. and they only cost a buck or so if you shop around and buy them when you find them.
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I have little bags for my 21's 30's and 40's, everything else goes into the 1-60 numbered index, and fractional index and then a pile.
Multi Function solution

After unpacking my Kit and sorting it I went into shock trying to fathom out what all the little bits in the Cleveland Tool Kit were for.
So I sat down and methodically sorted them and made up a 'rack' which held all the bits according to what Rivet or Bolt/screw size they applied to.
I don't have a pick of the finished rack, but the pic below of the prototype will give you the idea.
Above the rack on the wall were the other two pics below.
Anyone who whats the pics as WORD documents can email me [email protected]



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Safety Tip

If you use a drill index (like that one from the Yard), put the drills in point down. The reason is if you ever raise a burr on the shaft from a loose chuck etc, that burr can snag on the hole in the index when you grasp the drill and pull up. Those sharp spiral flutes on the drill can cut pretty deeply as you yank on it.

I have several indexes with one of every size, numbers, letters and fractionals. For common sizes (#30, #40, #21 etc) I buy lots and keep em in those little plastic drawer cabinets.

When they get dull, I toss em.


FWIW, I'm normally not a fan of cheap imported tools but ran across an Allied Titanium drill set at Costco. They do a better job of going through the steel landing gear legs etc than some real high-dollar ones I have. Go figure.
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HOUT - that's what I call a solution!

A little pricy, but they sure are nice! Combine that with the yard store box for $6 for the "in use" bits and I'd be so organized it would be scary. :eek: