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Homecoming photos of RV-8 Fastback?


Well Known Member
Anyone get any Homecoming photos of the mythical RV-8 Fastback or hear any talk of this Northwest aerial sasquatch?
It even has a 6 cylinder under that cowl. Noticed it at Osh. Must be a "super 8" conversion as well. BTW it was beautifully built. Congrats to whoever did it.
Showplanes looks great, but...

While I do not confess to be an engineer or even the engineering type, my lay analysis of the landing gear structure requies the forward roll bar to reinforce the fuse and negate the inward pressure force of the landing gear during landing on the 8 TailDragger. Tom Clark (http://members.cox.net/rv8fastback/) has built what I am looking for and I have Tom's kit, but the canopy frame is much more work than my limited skills can handle. The lines on his canopy are straight and clean with the body lines of the fuse, unlike the profile of the Showplanes kit and he has retained the roll bar.

Not trying to start a flame war, but just hoping Vans was moving forward with this rumored modificationwithin the next 12 months.

Any input is apprecaited.

BTW: Good luck IronFlight and "Go at throttle up" Atlantis!
<<my lay analysis of the landing gear structure requires the forward roll bar to reinforce the fuse and negate the inward pressure force of the landing gear during landing on the 8 TailDragger.>>

Interesting point, so I spent a few minutes looking. As it happens, I'm sending an order today for both RV8 and Showplanes kits.

I have a different conclusion. The roll bar is quite far rearward from the gear towers, which would limit its value as a gear box brace. In addition, an open hoop may be quite strong, but it is not stiff. In other words, a hoop is a very poor brace; it allows a lot of flex in the braced structure.

I think the primary brace between the tops of the gear towers is found in the rear baggage crossmember identified as A below. Note the reinforced tie-in at B. Later in the assembly process this crossmember is riveted to the rear baggage bulkhead, which stiffens it against compressive buckling in the vertical plane. The addition of the baggage floor, riveted or screwed, stiffnens it against buckling in the fore and aft plane. In short, it becomes a very stiff tension/compression brace.

It appears that the Showplanes mod adds another crossbrace on the aft side of the gear towers (lower photo).

There is something in the lower photo that I think to be a dumb move. A lot of builders cut away a section of the baggage bulkhead crossmember in order to clear radios and other deep panel items. Not good, for the above reasons.

I do thank you for your comment and I will study the matter more closely when I have actual parts in hand.

Photo credits to Randy Lervold and Showplanes.

Dan Horton

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I agree that the rollbar doesn't help with the gear but it is still a very important part should you ever need it. Although it appears that Dave Hilker's fastback does have rollover protection provided, the showplanes kit doesn't address this. I only mention this as it's something you may want to consider and you mentioned you were ordering both kits. Both are gorgeous aircraft.

DanH said:
It appears that the Showplanes mod adds another crossbrace on the aft side of the gear towers (lower photo).

Unless you see something I don't, the arrow in the lower photo is pointing to F-802T L.G. box upper brace. Either it is hidden behind F-802NPP in the upper photo or hasn't been installed yet. Both are structural parts from a standard -8 kit, not mods.

DanH said:
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<<the rollbar doesn't help with the gear but it is still a very important part should you ever need it.>>

Agree without reservation. Mine will have some kind of rollover protection, RV-4 style or perhaps a hoop at the rear seat bulkhead to take advantage of the increased turtledeck height. May not be tall enough, we'll see.

Thanks for the note on the F-802T crossmember. No kit yet, so I wasn't sure if it was from Vans or SP.

Resistance is futile...I have been assimilated...dropped the order in the mailbox a few minutes ago <g>


thought I would add my .02. I am nearing completion of the showplanes fastback kit on my 8A. Someone mentioned the complexity of the fiberglass canopy skirt. showplanes provides a molded skirt which needs only cosmetic finishing. Also it is true the forward rollbar has been eliminated because the canopy is no longer split so an option (which I am doing) is to add/weld a roll bar to the center support behind the front seat. So far this has been a high quality,well supported kit. I am happy to speak or help anyone interested in this mod. just PM me.
Tom Clark fastback

Anyone else actually used this kit? Comments? At the moment I have the SP kit in mind, but I always like to check out alternatives... (especially since the TC kit has a slider).