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Great day for a first flight

Scott Will

Well Known Member
first flight! the day finally came!

Woke up to the clearest skies we've seen in a long time knowing that the DAR would be at my hangar at 11AM. So as I'm busy cleaning the hangar and putting the finishing touches on the plane, lo and behold the DAR shows up at 1030A. After about 2 mins of actually looking at the plane, the paperwork starts coming my way and in a little while later I had my pink slip!!! Score one for the home team.

Things are starting to buzz. Got Kahuna and Speedy coming around 430p-5p ish after they leave the reality of the day job. The fuel truck came as I hauled her out of the hangar into the beautiful fresh fall air. 24 gals on board - should be good to go. Put the cowl and ready for launch.

I turn my baby, whom I've cared for for the past 2 years and 1 month over to one of the most experienced and nicest RVers - Kahuna. I hop into Speedy's plane, a fast RV-6. Before I know it, we're ACTUALLY taxiing out to Rwy 25 at LZU. Could it be real? The feeling inside was very strange - almost like when I was at the hospital watching my real baby (girl) being born.

Kahuna (aka Mike Stewart) quickly finds that the transmit functionality of the SL-30 was not working, at least on the ground. He could hear but not talk. That's OK - we take control of the radios and head out as a flight of two. It's a GREAT thing I had two experienced formation guys around for the first flight. It was almost like the COM being inop was not that big of a deal (later on Mike could talk to us in the air... might have been the belly mounted antenna?)

After waiting behind a student pilot to get his IFR clearance for a practice flight (the guy in the Gulfstream behind us must have REALLY being going bonkers), we line up and... we're off!! Watching her climb out was truly neat - she climbed like nothing I've seen before.

In no time, we were doing circuits at 3500' watching as Mike put her through her paces. (And if you know Kahuna, you know what I mean) My airplane was in very capable hands. About 40 mins into the flight Mike chimes in on company freq with the list of squaks... oh boy, I thought, here we go. We already knew about the com, what else could be wrong? It all looked great from various formations around my plane (over, under, left, right, you name it).

After about an hour we make our way down and did the obligatory overhead break :) I noticed Mike kept her nice and high on final... wondering if that was a precaution or because it's a fixed pitch prop that doesn't like to slow down. He slips her in and safely executes the flare. Wooohooo, first flight complete!!

Taxi back and enjoy the moment.

COULD NOT have done it without the great RV folk from around the country and especially right here at home. I noted to Speedy (AKA Danny) That I chose the right plane - not because of the flying qualities or kit but because of the outstanding people you meet.

Sure I have my to-do list... and I won't be flying immediately after. But I guess that's to be expected. Biggest concerns are the COM and the front seal on the engine (and engine temps).

Again thank you to everyone for the help, time, encouragement and everything else.

(Now taking donations for fuel!, hahaa)


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For all you low time guys,
Scott doesn't have a bunch of hours but what a great attitude he had last week during transition training! After a long time building and not much flying, he refreshed pretty quickly and remains "pumped" by the climb speeds and reluctance of these little rockets to slow down.

A big congratulation!
Regards, :D
Outstanding, Scott (and Kahuna).

Wonderful first flight writeup!!! Scott, welcome to the 'flying' column and enjoy your phase 1.

See you in the air,

I might add...

It is very difficult for a builder/pilot to turn over the reigns on the first flight.
Its a big day that every builder waits for, dreams about... slaves for.

While Scott was signed off for his transition training, he rightfully felt that if anything went wrong in the air, he was not the best pilot to deal with the problem. I was very proud of him for doing that. It takes a big man to step up and say "I'm not the best pilot to do this." He made the right decision.

Great flight, great people. Life is good.
Congrats Scott on a wonderful plane.
Now lets get those squawks fixed and go fly! :)

Good Job, Scott!!! It's a Great Feeling to finally have your baby airborne. Have a Great time in Phase I and beyond.

Holy Macral Scott!!! Congrats Dude!!!!!!!!!!!!! I bet watchin that thing take off for the first time was simply awesome. Yet as I finish the last 1% on my RV-7A my excitement is raised high by your plane being off the ground. Keep in informed on how it feels on "your" first flight whenever that may be. Im sure we will be meeting in the sky one day real soon!

All Right!

Good show, Scot.

Congrats on building a very nice airplane and to Kahuna for breaking the sirly bounds of earth....beginning to look like you guys are living in Catto country.

Always pleased to hear of another successful flight.

Great Job Scott

Congrats on a great effort and many, many hours of sweat and blood.

Now the fun begins! I expect to have you come up to Copperhill and let me see your bird when you finish Phase 1.
Way to go!!!!

Kahuna said:
I might add...

While Scott was signed off for his transition training, he rightfully felt that if anything went wrong in the air, he was not the best pilot to deal with the problem. I was very proud of him for doing that. It takes a big man to step up and say "I'm not the best pilot to do this." He made the right decision.


Way to go Scott on both fronts, first flight and having someone with extensive experience do that all important and memorable first flight.

All the work has paid off. Good luck on future flights.


Awesome! Congrats! Looks great to see first flight pics over LZU.

I'm sure the joy of that flight was not diminished by throwing the keys to Mike. Of all the people I would (and may!) trust with my plane, Mike would certainly be on top of the list. His first flight experiences, dead-stick RV landing practice, and thousands of hours in RVs make him a great choice.

I believe that your decision to give the keys to someone else for that flight has gained you some degree of respect among your peers.

Very motivating to say the least. I think when I first saw your project in your hangar you were at about the point I'm at now. Gotta...keep...building...
Kahuna said:
I might add...

While Scott was signed off for his transition training, he rightfully felt that if anything went wrong in the air, he was not the best pilot to deal with the problem. I was very proud of him for doing that. It takes a big man to step up and say "I'm not the best pilot to do this." He made the right decision.

Amen to that, ....Just deleted the horror story here its too depressing....But your absolutely right, even with transition training and 500TT I felt like I was barely out of diapers in flying the 7 for the first time.

Awesome awesome job...Congratulations...Now you can get to all the chores you been putting off...:)


Just changed timing belt on car and about halfway thru fixing the failed sisding and dry rot on my rental trailer...:)
Great Job Scott

When I was there watching you work like a beaver, I knew it would not be long.

Great job and I know you will have lots of fun now.

Mike you are the man!
Smoked it


I've watched your progress... WOW you smoked this plane out! The First Flight was perfect. Tell your wife and daughter thanks again! You've done a great job.......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats Scott


Great job. I wish I was complete after seeing the video.
Great Tunes and Great Plane. Need some Nuvite. Just kidding. Just fly safe and keep it above the trees !!!!!!

Bruce Pauley
Catto Prop
Rowlett TX