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G3X Touch - Oddity...


Well Known Member
Hive Mind,

A friend of mines G3X Touch began showing the blinking "O" on the CAS. Except, he doesn't have a Marker Beacon receiver installed (He has a GMA 245). This just "showed up" on a recent flight and persists...even in the hangar with the door closed.

Running 9.51 software, No errors noted.

Any ideas?

All the flight director is, is visuals of the commands sent to the autopilot. If you can fly the flight director well, you’ll be as good as the autopilot..
Do folks really like the boxes? Makes me dizzy looking at them.

If you plant the green velocity vector on the centre of the box that's "furtherest away," you'll be surprised at how smooth and accurately your IMC hand flying will be :)

The difference is a bit like making heading and attitude changes by looking at something a long way away on the horizon, vs chasing compass needles and attitude indicators on a steam gauge panel. You can get the same outcome by following the flight director, but maybe not as smoothly because its response is more instantaneous.

- mark
If you plant the green velocity vector on the centre of the box that's "furtherest away," you'll be surprised at how smooth and accurately your IMC hand flying will be :)

The difference is a bit like making heading and attitude changes by looking at something a long way away on the horizon, vs chasing compass needles and attitude indicators on a steam gauge panel. You can get the same outcome by following the flight director, but maybe not as smoothly because its response is more instantaneous.

- mark
This! The boxes are predictive, and the farthest box is the best prediction, so you can fly a much smoother path than just flying needles or the flight director, which are “be here now” things. Of course, your brain builds its own predictions with the traditional cues….the boxes just do that for you, which frees your brain for other things….
This! The boxes are predictive, and the farthest box is the best prediction, so you can fly a much smoother path than just flying needles or the flight director, which are “be here now” things. Of course, your brain builds its own predictions with the traditional cues….the boxes just do that for you, which frees your brain for other things….

For me the best use for the VV is sticking it on the synthetic vision threshold while on the GP or GS. Works a treat.
Flight directors work well IF you follow the commands promptly. If you are reluctant to follow the commands the flight director will displace the commands it gives trying to get the pilot’s attention. A pilot can get out of phase with the flight director by not trusting it enough to follow the commands promptly. Never blindly follow a flight director without verifying the flight mode and the impact your flight path is having on raw data. If you like flight directors you are going to love huds but huds can be overwhelming by saturating pilot interpretation of all that data.
For me the best use for the VV is sticking it on the synthetic vision threshold while on the GP or GS. Works a treat.
This times 1000. I find the boxes too distracting, but that VV thing is sooooo useful. Also good for maintaining an altitude during a turn, just keep it on the horizon.
If you plant the green velocity vector on the centre of the box that's "furtherest away," you'll be surprised at how smooth and accurately your IMC hand flying will be :)

The difference is a bit like making heading and attitude changes by looking at something a long way away on the horizon, vs chasing compass needles and attitude indicators on a steam gauge panel. You can get the same outcome by following the flight director, but maybe not as smoothly because its response is more instantaneous.

- mark
WOW - thanks for posting this. This makes it useful.

For me, the boxes on approach seem to get processed without realizing they are there. In cruise, mostly tell me if I am missing something. Like seeing it but not seeing it if that makes sense. Man . . . 300 hrs and still learning details.

Funny what we see and don't see as individuals. I had a crack across my car windshield, like 75%. I did not see it, but on a trip needed to have the wife drive and after a few minutes she went tilt - - - could not process the crack and drive. At least I got a 10 minute rest. Same situation with mist beads, I see right through them, she can not.
I think it depends on how you setup the flight director cues. I don’t like the Single Cue Command bars, so I set mine to Due Cue “needles” which I find much easier to use.
I will have to look into Due Cue Needles and figure out how to change to that. Never heard of this.

The Velocity Vector planted on the farthest box sounds like a great idea. That will be attempted on my next flight (whenever Helene allows).