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Future aviator :)


Well Known Member
As soon as I put him in the plane he grabbed the controls and wanted to fly! I swear I didnt stage it...



- Matt
Daddy's toys are the BEST toys...

I have a friend who takes his toddler along in his RV-9A, headphones and all. The boy knows what's going on. By the time you get your bird ready to fly, that little guy of yours should be ready to go with you (after the 40 hours).

Jerry K. Thorne
Get them while they are young

Thats the ticket Matt! Get them while they are young. At least that is what worked for me!
Great Shot

That shot's priceless! Progress looks good man!! I would love to stop by one day to check it out.
nice site!

Not only is your interior beautiful, but you have the coolest looking builder's site I have ever seen!! Wow.
Your interior looks like the Classic Aero package... which seats did you go with? I like the high headrests...
Great picture... I took my little guy for his first ride when he was 4 mos. old in a Piper Cherokee now at 6'5" he can hardly fit in one. I guess the aviation
thing stuck though . He's managing A Shell FBO in Alberta Canada and working on his private licence.

RV 8 Fuselage
The interior is from Classic Aero. It is the Aviator seats with the headrest.

Richard, you are free to come by anytime...

Phil, thanks for the compliments, if only I could keep it current that would be great. I have lots of pictures but not a lot of explaination, I am not a Dan Checkoway who is good at journaling.

- Matt
Hi Matt,
I asked you on another thread if you're concerned about the headrests getting in the way of baggage access. You mentioned that it's a tip-up. With the tip-up, I think the stationary portion of the canopy sits directly over the baggage comparment, and so the only access to the baggage compartment would be over the seats (and under the stationary rear canopy segment). I was told that those seats do fold-forward, however, and that should provide access to the baggage compartment. Curious, do you have (or could you take) any photos showing how far forward those seats will tilt? I think the seats are fantastic, and it would be a real shame if they interfered too much with baggage access.
Cool pix


Great pictures! He'll be soloing in no time! I like your interior. I am looking hard at the Classic Aero interior like you have. Probably with the sport seats though. I guess you have had time to sit in the cockpit with the interior installed. How's the leg room and space with the side walls/armrest inserts. Do they take up a lot of space or elbow room, etc? Also, did the gear weldment covers come from Classic Aero as well? Thanks! (Great website by the way!)
The seats do fold forward but I have not put the hinge on the bottom of the seats yet (it comes with just the metal sticking out of the seat which is the internal seat frame). As soon as I do that I will post pictures...

As for room in the cockpit with the interior, there is plenty of leg room. The side panels do take up room on the side, when you are resting your elbow on your leg the panel does seem to make it a little tight, but if you put your arm on the armrest insead of your leg than there is plenty of room.

The gear weldment covers are from Classic as well. I will be doing a few little things with some raw material I got to compliment the Classic parts and will post pictures.

- Matt
Just wait...

Just wait until he has a buddy. Mine is the one on the left and his buddy is only a week behind in age and boy are these two are going to be trouble! Gotta start these guys young.

BTW Matt, love the interior. Looks great and I'm looking at the same for my -7.
