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First solo flight in MY plane

Scott Will

Well Known Member
Got the prop seal changed, reversed the elevator trim, and worked on the baffles some more... the plane was ready to go for a great weekend of aviating in the best weather we've had in a long time. Then my wife decides its time to go on vacation this past weekend (she had yesterday off which is a federal holiday - thanks Columbus!) So off to Freeport (FPO/MYGF) and back - I sat there dumbfounded that I wasn't flying MY OWN plane when I was sitting in that RJ on the way down to FPO.

Anyway, let's get to the real news. I flew N410S, yes my own creation, for the first time solo today. What a feeling. What a nice day to do it. Everything ran great and seemed 'routine'... which I guess is good.

Couldn't have done it without my great transition training from Pierre Smith. And of course the local, well experienced RVers (thanks again Kahuna and Nomad).

CHT's and oil temp were reading higher than last time and my one EGT probe is still inop. But this time I recorded my flight on the GRT EFIS and will look into it as I do flight recorders at work.

Can't wait to take her up again. Next time we will venture beyond the Class D airspace.

Great feeling to do that....remember it like it was yesterday!!!!

So, Scott, I stopped by a couple of other days in the afternoon to help you with that audio problem. Sounds like you fixed it... What was it? (so I don't make the same mistake :) )

Great to hear, congrats. I may swing by and see if I can catch you tomorrow afternoon if you'll be at your hangar.
Awesome job

I hope your just a little intimidated about nailing the throttle on TO...cus after 30 hours I am...:)

These are just amazing aircraft. I heard a presentation from Len somebody, who is an ex military test pilot...Very unassuming chap, who nochelantly described Unrecoverable spins in a Lancair columbia 400...ever noticed a 400 is not allowed to do spins...Well Len found this out!....

"We're not worthy!!!...we're not worthy"

Anyway he does a lot of "testing for Vans"...Len said that the RV7 is one of the nicest airplanes he's ever flown!

High praise indeed!


You sure you are talking about a Columbia (no longer a Lancair)? They, I believe are spin certified. It's the Cirrus that is NOT. In fact, the Cirrus is spin prohibited and if you get into one, you *have* to pull the chute. Columbia has done a bunch of spin testing I believe, and they don't have a chute (at the moment), so they have to be able to recover from a spin.
Way to go!!

For those of you who don't know, Scott is an Aeronautical engineer! His enthusiasm is contagious! A big, hearty congratulations!!

Blue skies and tailwinds,
Sure was cool to see Scott doing hot laps over my head at LZU. On his first approach to landing he had to do a go around cause he was crawling up a Cessnas butt. Wont be the last time he has to do that Im sure.

Great job Scott. tremendous accomplishement. I was like a proud papa on the ground grinning ear to ear. I remember my first flight in my 6 and it is a day I will never forget. Life does not get any better that that. OH Wait :eek: . It does! Soon you will be out flying formation with your buddies to far off places in a charriot you built, performing in front of thousands in admiration. Now that is living:)

Keep up the good work, take your time, relax, use those checklists, and enjoy the ride. Believe it or not, it does get better than this.

Watching proudly from the ground now,
Precious moments

Kahuna woke me up with his post.

Two years ago, a great guy named Charlie Davis showed up at my hangar with his gorgeous 6A with 220 HP! for us to fly while we built ours. Last year he was diagnosed with colon cancer and died six months later. I was so privileged to fly my own airplane in a missing-man formation at his funeral, this past June, while his own airplane pulled up and headed west.

We all flew home teary eyed.....moments we'll never forget......Kahuna is right! The best is yet to come.
Great news Scott

I remember that first flight with a lot of wonder.

Get that time off anf fly on over to Athens!

or maybe I'll get ovet there soon
