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elevator/rudder bearings/attachments


Well Known Member
I am wondering if the rod bearings require any lubrication/oil??? or are these parts designed to function without external lubricaiton??? Also, are the bolts which pass through the bearings protected by adding any lubricants???
corrosion protection

Related question: for the rod-end bearings that we get with the empennage kit, these may sit around for years. Will the threads rust? Is there any harm in squirting some oil in the threads before putting away for storage?
Been a while since I looked up the specs in the catalog, but...

(1) A drop of oil on the ball at annual is a good idea.

(2) As I recall the shank is plated, and so the threads shouldn't rust stored indoors. I have some that are 30 years old. However, spraying some Rust-Lick (good stuff) can't hurt a thing.

Dan Horton