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E-Mag Problems


Well Known Member
Hey Guys:
Have any of yoy with the E-Mags had any issues?
I Have dual Emags. Actually one EMag and one PMag. In flight today, the engine started missing badly. I gpt on the ground ASAP. Checked everything and ran it up. All was fine. I went around the patch again, And soon it acted up again. At this point, I switcehd the Mags off alternately, and found the Left one ( The PMAG) was not running. It ran fine on the Right system only, but with both, it was very rough. On the ground again it seems to be running intermitently. Any guesses as to what might be wrong,until I can call Brad?
Al Grajek

Have you sent these in for the software upgrade?

It is my understanding they resolved this problem a few months back.

At least I hope so because my duel Pmags should arrive this week.
Perhaps yours is having sympathy pains with my Emag?

I'm not flying yet, but also have an Emag/Pmag pair and am having trouble with the Emag. Both were sent in a month or two ago for the latest upgrades.

My problem showed up a couple of weeks ago while doing my first run up and "mag" check; the P is running fine, no problems... but the E ran very rough with several loud backfires. I checked and re-checked all connections and leads and everything indicated okay; timing light green at TDC and the plugs were firing in proper order with the plugs out and pulling the prop thru. Sent it in to Brad who said it checks out fine on the bench, so he sent it back to me.

Round two; reinstalled, checked timing and plug firing again, everything indicates okay. Started the engine... again, the Pmag runs just fine, but switched off the P to check the E, and it's dead. No rough running, no backfires, just dead. Well then, now what?? Tried to call Brad Thursday and Friday but no one is answering the phones and no one called me back.

So, here I am wondering what's the problem. Might it be a vibration related issue? Maybe a loose or bad connection on a circuit board... when it's on the bench or stationary on the engine, everything checks out fine. But, crank up the engine and shake it up a bit and the Emag gets rough or dies completely.

I hope someone at Emag answers the phone on Monday to get this sorted out...

John Bixby
Emag is moving their office.

I talk to Brad on Wednesday and he mentioned that I was lucky to reach him because they were in the process of moving their office. You might try sending an email also.
Rick_A said:
...they were in the process of moving their office.

Well now, that 'splains a lot. I was a wee bit frustrated trying for 2 weekdays and no response.

I have one each. Pretty much from day one my Pmag will drop 110 on a mag check. I now have 152 hours on the plane and the first annual is coming up in Dec. At that time I'm going to pull them and send in for upgrade. I have a fairly early set. Other than that I love these things!!!!

One of the things that I did that I am going to change is that I put all the upper plugs on one mag and lower on the other. I'm going to switch to 2 and 2. It has been suggested this might be the issue. Not a big deal, but worthy of checking.

For the gentleman that has the dead Emag, something is happening BEFORE the Emag. Check all wiring, the breaker and the ground. If it checked at the shop I say it is probably on your end. I had a suspect power lead that I found and fixed before flight.

The one thing with Emagair is the support. I am happy with their support and their desire to get things right. I'd certainly do it again. I think their product is the simplest and best performing electronic ignition out there despite the few minor issues and growing pains.
Yes. I did send them in for the update before I installed them. Up to now, they have ran great(for 10 hours). I did however, have to reduce the advance curve a bit, as my CHTs were a bit high at 34 degrees. I re-timed them both today, and will try to get a hold of Brad this week.
Al Grajek
RV7Guy said:
For the gentleman that has the dead Emag, something is happening BEFORE the Emag. Check all wiring, the breaker and the ground. If it checked at the shop I say it is probably on your end. I had a suspect power lead that I found and fixed before flight.

One might think that... but why would it check out fine when installed on the engine(not running), but when the engine is running, it's dead? I wondered about the ship's wiring, which consists of power, ground and P lead. But, it's showing 12 volts at the green plug, green timing light works fine, spark plugs fire in proper sequence when pulling the prop through; turn off the P lead and the sparks quit sparking, as advertised. I'm hoping it's a loose connection somewhere in the unit itself that the vibration trips up; I've checked everything at my end... otherwise I'm stumped. Gotta send it back to Brad and have him try it on his test engine.