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Drawing Revisions


Well Known Member
Hello all:

Anyone care to enlighten me about Van's system for revising and disseminating revisions to their drawings? Is there a standardized, automatic way to receive them in the mail, or do I need to check their website constantly? And how do I know that the ones I'm using are, in fact, the "latest and greatest"? How do I know I'm not missing some important change?

Here's an example: In September, I received my QB wing and fuselage kits. I've noticed that my wing manual refers to "Drawing 14A," but I actually received drawing "14B." All the other drawings I received are "A" series.

There are several little errors in the plans, which I'm sure people have noticed and notified them about, yet very few revisions seem to have been made.

You'd think Van's would update their plans and builder's manuals a little more consistently, or have a page on their website with the latest revision numbers and PDF files of those revisions. Or maybe they do -- I certainly can't find one...

Van's tech-support folks were a bit vague when I asked this question.

Thanks in advance.

Buck Wyndham
RV-8 (N18XL reserved)
Wings well underway...
BuckWynd said:
You'd think Van's would update their plans and builder's manuals a little more consistently, or have a page on their website with the latest revision numbers and PDF files of those revisions. Or maybe they do -- I certainly can't find one...

Yep, you'd think. However in 3 years I haven't received any improvements or revisions to my -9 documentation, and I don't think any exist. There were a couple of service bulletins (announced on this site and many others) that added additional parts and work to the airframe, but no revisions so far.

My friends and I have sent many well-intentioned and safety-minded mails to Van's suggesting improvements and pointing out blatant errors, and we consistently get patronizing replies hinting that they might fix it someday. Yet it never happens, and we builders get to make the same mistakes over and over.

Forgive me, as just yesterday I got to chop large pieces off my seats since the hinges are called out in the wrong place...how many people have notified Van's of that problem? Even the quickbuild factory knows about that error but the manual is still wrong (at least as of a year ago).

I'm forced to conclude that it doesn't happen because Van's is not financially motivated to do so. Engineering time is expensive, I understand. There are other financial issues as well, I'm sure.

Don't get me wrong, I like Van's and I like their products. A lot. But on this issue I am pretty disappointed.
Yet it never happens, and we builders get to make the same mistakes over and over.

Can we work around this problem here somehow? I assume what happens is builders make the same mistakes, and only after the mistake is made post a message here and discover the error in the plans (like the seat hinge thing you mentioned).

Could we have a sticky thread or something on the forum for every model, where people can list errors they've found (but not launch into huge discussions about it). This way builders can just look at that thread to find out how to avoid making common mistakes because of errors in the plans.

naming of print documents

Working as a mechanical engineer I can say that the name of the print does not change. Therefore, print 14A would not be changed to 14B. The naming convention is that these are two different and independent drawings. If you do not have a drawing in your preview plans set I would recommend looking for it in the full size set of drawings. I am sure that vans would send you the drawing via mail or fax if you are missing it.
prkaye said:
Could we have a sticky thread or something on the forum for every model, where people can list errors they've found (but not launch into huge discussions about it). This way builders can just look at that thread to find out how to avoid making common mistakes because of errors in the plans.


Sounds like a great idea. It would be hugely useful to a lot of builders, I'm sure. (Doug might not be equally enthusiastic about the idea, becasue it would have to be closely Quality-Controlled in order for it to be truly authoritative and therefore useful.)

Doug, whadya say? Interested in increasing your workload? :D

Buck Wyndham
RV-8 (N18XL reserved)
Wings well underway...
Paul Eastham said:
Forgive me, as just yesterday I got to chop large pieces off my seats since the hinges are called out in the wrong place...
the plans are not wrong you looked at the wrong line the line is from the edge of the sheet not the center of the bolt holes my brother told about this and i still made abunch of extra hinges :rolleyes: :mad: that hole line just gets in the way and you see what you want to see.

Last edited:
Drawings relevant to the parts you receive

When you purchase each individual kit, Van's includes a set of full sized drawings that represent the current revision level of the drawings at that time. Revisions are noted in area above the title block...the drawing number is never changed to denote revisions. These drawings represent the parts that you have received.

You will not automatically be sent future revisions of the drawings, because they aren't necessairly relevant to the parts you received with your kit. You should build your kit with the drawings you received.

The preview plans do not necessairly represent your kit, and are for review only. They should not be used in the building process.
JonathanCook said:
Working as a mechanical engineer I can say that the name of the print does not change. Therefore, print 14A would not be changed to 14B. The naming convention is that these are two different and independent drawings. QUOTE]

Jonathan is right. Drawings 14A and 14B are different drawings. There's a revision block to tell you what revision each drawing is on. It even (should) say what the revision was and which engineer drove the change.

Do not Use Preview Plans!

Hello Dave,

Thank you so much for informing me that one should not use the preview plans for building! I did not know this, and the thought of using the wrong information to build my 7 sent chills through me. If others have done this here is my recommendation. Look at each of the D-size drawings (the large ones) and look above the title block for any revisions. If a revision is found read the revision to see if any information on the drawing needs attention. I plan on doing this after work today. I wil mark the preview plan drawings that have changed so that I will know when to refer to the D-size drawings.

Thanks again.
BuckWynd said:
Anyone care to enlighten me about Van's system for revising and disseminating revisions to their drawings? Is there a standardized, automatic way to receive them in the mail, or do I need to check their website constantly?
Yes, Van's has a system to disseminate drawing revisions. Significant drawing revisions are published in the RVator.
prkaye said:
...Could we have a sticky thread or something on the forum for every model, where people can list errors they've found (but not launch into huge discussions about it). This way builders can just look at that thread to find out how to avoid making common mistakes because of errors in the plans.

This sounds good in theory but the technical level of builders varies across the whole spectrum. Many "errors" are simply misinterpretations of the plans (drawings) and I fear a thread as described above would become a repository of half truths in short order.
its already here

mlw450802 said:
This sounds good in theory but the technical level of builders varies across the whole spectrum. Many "errors" are simply misinterpretations of the plans (drawings) and I fear a thread as described above would become a repository of half truths in short order.
look in builders tips this is where i put a tip i know is useful but the problem is people like myself usually screw up before we go looking for the answer to our problem. :eek:

The plans are correct...

cytoxin said:
the plans are not wrong you looked at the wrong line the line is from the edge of the sheet not the center of the bolt holes my brother told about this and i still made abunch of extra hinges :rolleyes: :mad: that hole line just gets in the way and you see what you want to see.
I agree that the plans are correct - but VERY easy to mis-read. Fortunately my son (whose 7A is now flying) warned me about that, so I avoided an otherwise certain mistake.
DGlaeser said:
I agree that the plans are correct - but VERY easy to mis-read. Fortunately my son (whose 7A is now flying) warned me about that, so I avoided an otherwise certain mistake.
true true if i had a dime for everyone that made this mistake i could buy my prop :D