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Discussion: Videos 747 Retirement & Seneca Gear Collapse

Awesome skill?

Sorry Rudi, but I have to question the judgement of a pilot of a pilot who did a "go-around" in a plane with unknown but obvious airframe/engine damage when he could have just rode it out. He had already "landed".
How long (short) Was the runway?

Very impressive video Rudi...So how long is that runway?

It looked like the Seneca was losing speed quickly and probably would have come to a (relatively) safe stop. I can't imagine why he went around either.
Too cool.

Back in '92 I watched a 747-200 land at Hondo Muni, Tx. I think the runway is 5,500' long or so. To say it was impressive is an understatement! BTW it didn't look like the left inboard spoiler/speedbrake (pilot's left) came up? Or maybe it's the angle of the video. Anyway, awesome video!
I was going to write the same thing last night and try to figure out WHY anyone would want to go around after hearing thier wing scraping the ground and bleeding off speed so fast... the other thing that comes to mind is propstrike.. it is a twin right!! w/ the wing that low he was garunteed to prop strike that thing and be in for a bigger world of hurt by attempting a go around!
Hi guys,

Here is a nice Photo I did NOT take (C) Julian Whitelaw of the landing. Check the narrow runway. I looked up the runway, have the runway as 5'500 long.

On the Seneca,I do not know why he didwhat he did, maybe he did not expect it to collapse,since he was told it was done,maybe it was just adrenalin reaction. Any case everyone is fine. On the final landing at home he apparently kept it on one wheel until the last minute. I did not see the final landing,just word of mouth.
