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Cool weather primer?


Well Known Member
We're heading into winter & I can see I will not be able to get all the remaining wing parts prepped & primed.

So, is there a primer out there that I can use down to, say 55 degrees? Come November, our highs will usually be lower than 55, but we can get days that warm now & then almost all winter.

Ideally, it would be a rattle can primer that would require minimal prep work, such as scuff, degrease & spray. Oh, and cheap would be nice, too.


Veriprime works well in temps lower than you indicate. I routinely would prime parts in my driveway, in winter, in NE Wisconsin, and then take them into my heated garage to cure. I could prime in temps into the low 20's F with no problem

Now as to cheap, can't help you there! :eek:
