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Classic Aero Interior just installed, doesnt look correct...


Well Known Member
I just installed my interior from Classic Aero Designs to see where I needed to paint and what is covered. Anyway, the interior didnt come with instructions or picture so I have a few questions because my installation doesnt look right. If someone who has the interior can look and tell me if this is correct I would really appreciate it. Thanks.

1. Any suggestions on what to do to cover the center console area where the flap is at?

2. The carpet has a cut out in the center what goes there? I didnt see anything in the plans. The cut out is in front of the fuel selector box.

3. This is a big problem. With the panels pushed as close together as they will go there is a big gap. Was the rear panel cut too short?

It is like that on the other side as well

I tried moving and the panels together as much as possible but it is impossible to get them closer. I think it may be a flaw in the rear panel because the armrest panel fits perfect in the space with the tongue going over the F-705. Does anyone else have pictures of how this looks on theres?

4. I am unsure that I did the landing gear mount covers correctly. The finished look doesnt look right. It has the cover ending between in the gap between the seat legs. Can you look at these pictures and tell me what I did wrong?



5. Is the front panel done correctly in this picture?

6. Is this correct in how the panels are installed?

Thanks for your help. Lukes work is outstanding and I would recommend Classic Aero to anyone.

- Matt
idleup said:
2. The carpet has a cut out in the center what goes there? I didnt see anything in the plans. The cut out is in front of the fuel selector box.
- Matt

You have received carpets for the fuel injected engine which has a boost pump in front of the fuel selector.

On the other issues go straight to Luke....and a report to the group would be helpful.
Can't help here but am curious...


I'm planning to go with the Classic Aero interior as well but was wondering about the sequence of things. I noted that you're trial-fitting now so that you know where to paint, but what about down the road? Do you get the sense that removing/reinstalling the kit when the canopy is installed will be manageable? My preference is to do the inital flights without the interior installed and then to install the interior around the time that I take the plane to get painted (once I know it flies).

Rick, I havent got that far yet that I would know since I havent started the upper fuse/canopy. I would not see a problem installing it later though. Everything slides in easily and is in many parts so you arent trying to manuver a single panel around things...

- Matt
Good 'nuf for me. :) I'm sure it'll be its own unique PITA when the time comes but so long as it's not a "forget it! it would be impossible" situation I'll just roll with it. Thanks.
You'll never see those gaps when the seats are in place, leaning against F-705.
I just got an email from Anna at Classic Aero. My interior was supposed to be shipped on 10/16/06. They anticipated an early shipment, but ran into problems.
"Then as it turned out we had some challenges in the fabrication with the Sportsman Side Panels which have resulted in a delay of your shipment."
This tells me that they are on top of the situation & are taking efforts to make things right.

Derrell Brooks
Cumming, GA 30040
RV7A Finish
I just got an email from Anna at Classic Aero. My interior was supposed to be shipped on 10/16/06. They anticipated an early shipment, but ran into problems.
"Then as it turned out we had some challenges in the fabrication with the Sportsman Side Panels which have resulted in a delay of your shipment."
This tells me that they are on top of the situation & are taking efforts to make things right.
I ordered some extra fabric to make a center "Arm Rest" & map box over the flap housing as per Kahuna's 6A had.

Derrell Brooks
Cumming, GA 30040
RV7A Finish
Hi Matt,
I see you went with the "aviator seat" with headrest. I love the headrest, but wonder... how do you expect it will affect access to the baggage compartment? Are you going tip-up or slider?
There should be a #1 rule when dealing with products/mfgrs, etc... before posting publically.


Then, if you've exhausted that effort you can explore other avenues. After dealing with those guys myself (as a customer only), I'd be they would have been extremely quick to tell you that you received the carpet for the injected RV and probably offered a quick replacement.

Next, that "Big Gap" as Dan C mentioned is in a spot that is literally hidden. It'd be pretty hard to get BMW like tolerances in our RV interiors, I think that's pretty darned ok as it is.

Regarding the flap cover, buy some extra fabric from Classic, a can of spray adhesive and cover it up. Note, if you cover the 2 side pieces separately (folded over the edges), then cover the 'post', then screw it all back together it lookes quite nice - and quite easy.

Please understand I'm not trying to be fecicous or flame you, I'd just bet a 5 minute call to the factory would have been a lot less effort than photoshopping/posting the question to the group - but then again it's only my opinion so take it for what it's worth.

It looks like you're going to have a pretty nice plane when you're done, so keep at it!


RV6 - flying
RV7 - finish kit just delivered by Partain!
Phil, It is going to be a tip-up.

Stein, I agree with you if you are going to be critizing the manufacturer/dealer but that is not what I did in this post, in fact, if you read the last line of my posting it says "Thanks for your help. Lukes work is outstanding and I would recommend Classic Aero to anyone."

Tony, do you have a picture of how the front and back side panels matched up?

By the way, I did order the Fuel Injected carpet I just didnt know there was an extra cover there for FI models because I didnt see it in the plans, so Luke did send me the correct carpet, I appreciate the feedback and Tony's picture that allowed me to see how it looks with the cover there.

The extra fabric for the center console is a great idea, I will get that from him at the same time I order the upper rear baggage bulkhead cover.

- Matt
idleup said:
Phil, It is going to be a tip-up.

Stein, I agree with you if you are going to be critizing the manufacturer/dealer but that is not what I did in this post, in fact, if you read the last line of my posting it says "Thanks for your help. Lukes work is outstanding and I would recommend Classic Aero to anyone."

Tony, do you have a picture of how the front and back side panels matched up?

By the way, I did order the Fuel Injected carpet I just didnt know there was an extra cover there for FI models because I didnt see it in the plans, so Luke did send me the correct carpet, I appreciate the feedback and Tony's picture that allowed me to see how it looks with the cover there.

The extra fabric for the center console is a great idea, I will get that from him at the same time I order the upper rear baggage bulkhead cover.

- Matt

Understood and I wasn't necessarily insinuating that you were criticising them, but moreover wondering if you bothered to call them 1st, and if not, why not? That's all, I was just curious.....
