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canopy skin gap on 9A Tip up


Active Member
Yep, another gap question, I have searched previous posts, but if I maintain the .032 gap per instruction, my canopy skin will still catch on the forward skin as you try to tip. I see some have used shims on the forward skin, and others on the canopy skin. Is there any need to worry about this before the plexi is cut to fit. ie, will things change anyway?
9A finishing, canopy
Tipup fit

I'm in the final stages of building my tipup (on a 7A - but the fuselage is the same as a 9A). The plexiglas does not affect the sheet metal fit at the front. Whatever you need to do (i.e. shimming) to allow the frame to open and close can be done either before or after fitting the plexi.
I haven't riveted anything yet, and I anticipate that riveting will the be the activity that causes any changes. Right now, with things clecoed, I need a shim under the canopy skin, just in the center area between the hinge points, for the canopy to open and close without catching. I'm hoping that when things are riveted everything still clears. It should be close enough that any interferences can be removed with minor bending of the forward edge of the canopy skin (at least I hope so :rolleyes: )
Fitting the plexiglas has not affected the way the fwd edge of the canopy skin fits against the forward fuselage skin.
One item to be aware of --- when you install the hydralic lifts they tend to exert forward pressure on the canopy when it is closed which therefore decreases the "no pressure" clearance between the canopy skin and the forward fuse skin. I had a very close but non rubbing fit without the hydralics but after the lifts were installed I snagged and put a small bend in the canopy skin on the first opening----a sick feeling. I ended up putting a small "stop" on each side between the curved forward canopy structure and the curved skin structure. They are cut from small blocks of UHMW white plastic. This will not allow the canopy to move forward as it goes down.

Best Wishes and good luck,

Dave B.
RV9a--just out of the paint shop
Tip-up problem

Hi 7&9 tip-ups
You all need to look at DWG 24A. Look where F-768A(center sub panel)and F-643-1(fwd fuselage channel) come togather, there is a gap in F-768A that needs to be filled BEFORE you put the skin on or water may run in on to your avionics. I had this problem at OSH this year(I had to remove my radios and dry them before comming home) and yes a canopy cover of the correct size may help when your parked. Just trying to save the new builders from a problem I need to correct this fall. I'm thinking of removing my canopy and using some JB weld. Those that are still building give us some feed back on how you corrected the problem.

Frank Thorman
240hrs flying
tip up gap

Thanks for the input, it seems it is common. I will try the shim, and those who have corrected it this way, did the finished product look ok after final rivets, It seems it may effect the clean shape of the RV.
And I have noticed the dwg 24A and the intersection of 768A and 643-1 and will pay attention as I build..