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builder log software recommendations?


I see Kit Log Pro on Van's website.
Is that the software everyone is using? Or are there others that people recommend?
I appreciate everyones input.

That's the one

I'm using it.

I thought about just making a spreadsheet for it, but this is reasonably priced and pretty easy to use.
vmirv8bldr said:
I'm using it.

I thought about just making a spreadsheet for it, but this is reasonably priced and pretty easy to use.
My .02 on builder logging.

I am not using this or any other computerized logging program. I am sure they are all very good programs. However, I have found that the actual installation manual serves as a very good build log. I simply made a copy of the installation instructions and have it in a binder in the shop. Each task performed gets a check mark next to it and then as each section of the build is completed I mark in the date of completion for that section. If I need to make any particular notes I simply make them in the margins of the page. This method does not require me to spend additional time making notations on a computer. I make all of the notations right there in the shop as I am working.

I work as a systems administrator for a living so I fully understand the functionality and utility of computer programs such as these log files. I certainly do not see anything wrong with using them. However, for me, I find the simple method of pencil and paper much more manageable for this task. I find it is hard enough for me to find time to work on my airplane without time being taken away because I have to learn to use and then manage a computer and logging program. I do not feel I can afford to be taking more time away from building by having to manage another computer program that tracks my progress when there is a much more simple way to do so.

As I said, my .02 worth.
I am using it and for the most part I like it. Once the entry is made into the data base, I then print it and keep a hard copy for my files.
When the FAA inspector came out to inspect my RV-4 he didn't so much as glance at the meticulous builder's log I had kept complete with pictures. Pretty disappointing, after all, I made it for him! :)

RVbySDI said:
My .02 on builder logging.

I am not using this or any other computerized logging program. [snip]

I work as a systems administrator for a living ... [snip]

I'm a sysadmin too and I have the same trouble keeping electronic logs, it's a real pain but I did it. I think it's because we're on these computer gizmos all day long that the last thing we want to see when we get home is another computer! :) IMO
I'm using KitLog Pro 2.0, and I like it.


An added bonus is the ability to automatically post your construction log to their website (www.mykitlog.com). Every time you update the log on your hard drive, just click the button, and it automatically loads the updated logs and photos to the web. Pretty slick.


The program has a few bugs, and a revision is due out shortly (v2.1). According to the website...

KitLog Pro v2.1 is Coming Soon! Get ready for v2.1! New features include a revised expense log and enhancements to MyKitLog.com.

I've been doing some beta testing of this update for the developer, and I know he's getting close to issuing it.
I have been using Kitlog for about 14 months and it is great. All my friends keep up with my project on the internet and it is very easy to use. The only downside I can find is that Vans will not link your Kitlog site to their web site because they feel it contains an advertisement for Kitlog. Although you can, through several clicks, purchase the Kitlog software from the builder's sites, it is hardly advertisement. In addition, I can hardly understand Van's stance since they sell the Kitlog software also. Go figure.
svanarts said:
When the FAA inspector came out to inspect my RV-4 he didn't so much as glance at the meticulous builder's log I had kept complete with pictures. Pretty disappointing, after all, I made it for him! :)
I have had the same experience with a previous airplane that I built. I had pictures and all sorts of documentation "proving" that I had actually done the construction of the airplane that the FAA inspector was looking over. I asked him if he wanted to see any of my construction pictures or anything. He said, "No, I can tell just by talking to you whether you did the work on the plane or not". He never once wanted to see any of my documentation.
svanarts said:
I'm a sysadmin too and I have the same trouble keeping electronic logs, it's a real pain but I did it. I think it's because we're on these computer gizmos all day long that the last thing we want to see when we get home is another computer! :) IMO
That is exactly right! I am so tired of working on computers all day that when I get home the last thing I want to do is turn one on and enter some data that I know no one cares about but me. That is why I have gone the paper and pencil route. Keeping notes in the shop is so much easier. The absolute best recommendation I have for using a pencil is that the pencil doesn't take 10 minutes to power up before I can use it! :rolleyes:

For those out there who want to create websites for their creations and see using these computerized logs to keep their websites updated I say, I applaud your endeavors. By doing so you give me much to look at, study and enjoy when I am online researching RV related issues. Thank you very much for doing so. For me, however, I sometimes wonder where you guys get your energy to do that and build an airplane. Many nights I find myself forcing myself to get out in the shop and do something. Many a night I come home from fixing this or that computer problem exhausted. I find myself with just enough energy to plop down and watch some mindless TV or something. Just building this wonderful machine takes enough energy. The last thing I want to do is then sit down at a computer and write up a bunch of notes on what I did the night before.

Wishing all those with more energy than I happy logging. :D

I love Kitlog and I'm also a computer person. But it isn't without its foibles, especially for someone not in the US. Sometimes it is also a frustration that when I have stopped working for the night, I know I still have to spend 15-20 minutes editing and modifying photos and doing the log. At the end of the build, though, I'll have a fantastic record as well as the plane! I print the logs out on a colour laser printer and keep a hard copy too.
Issues I have:-
1. Print margins don't re-size automatically. For parts of the world that use A4 paper instead of 'Letter' this is a minor pain in the backside.
2. Would really like a WYSIWYG editor so that formating is retained, whereas at the moment it isn't.
3. Sometimes I want to add more than three pictures.
4. When printing a full report of all log entries, the pagination is terrible. The 'header' for a log entry can be on one page and the actual entry itself on the next: not very readable.

Other than those minor gripes, I would still prefer to use it than not. Looking forward to v2.1...

Kitlog has worked for me. Yes, you can just check off and date your instructions (which I do also), but I use kitlog so family and friends can follow on the internet, and perhaps offer a few tips to other builders to share in this great community. I looked into webhosting, costs for domain names etc - kitlog was cheap as a one time payment of $50.
Someone mentioned expercraft - indeed free, but I did not like that it was hosted on a server - they crash or go away, so may your years of info. Kitlog is a program hosted on your own computer, and can be kept on multiple computers without additional charge, too. This allows me to keep a backup. Notes can written on a laptop in the shop, and the transfer of one file to the other computer will update that one. Two clicks, and the internet is updated.
So far, aside from aforementioned quirks, a happy customer... .