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BAHAMAS Advice??? Who's flown there???


Well Known Member

I'm making my first Bahamas flight this April. I've been reading what is REQUIRED etc. but I'm really interested in the unspoken stuff.

Online tells you the required stuff, but I'm interested in hearing your:

I wish I would have ______...
I'm glad I did _______...
I regret _______...
I should have brought along _______...
Island ________ is a must see...
The best excursion I did was _______...
Don't waste your time going/doing _______...

Let's here what you've got.

Following along with interest.

Have you joined Baja Bush Pilots? They have great resources for Mexico and Bahamas.
We flew there a few years ago (precovid) and also took our pet dog (had to get a permit in advance for that). Anyways, generally the Bahamian folks are very relaxed and easy to work with.....and we never got a "hard time" about anything. I was really nervous about the trip but it turned out to be extremely easy. The most contentious part is coming back through US customs ..... US folks are generally unfriendly and by the book. I recall I had to deviate some flying back to US due to weather, and that was a non-issue too. Air traffic controllers easy to work with.
Fairly easy...

We went to Bimini in Nov. The covid requirements add some hassle and expense.

Flew over VFR, easy. I filed IFR on the way back because I felt fairly sure we were going to encounter IMC before getting to Ft. Peirce to clear back in to the Us. I called up Miami radio on my Com and listened to them on my Nav. They would not give me a clearance or squak code on the ground. Said I had to get clearance in the air. I took off and climbed, staying outside the ADIZ. I called Nassau radio, no response, I called Freeport radio, not reponse. I called Miami radio, no response. I called Miami approach, not response. I finally got in touch with Miami Center, who were extremely busy, I held outside the ADIZ until they came back with an amended clearance with a bunch of fixes and airways that I was not familiar with. Once I got it all loaded up and started heading for the first fix, I needed deviations to keep me out of the convective activity they were heading me right into. Ended being vectored south, around Palm Beach, and on into Ft. Peirce. We broke out high enough to make a visual approach. Customs was easy. I see why people mostly fly VFR to and from the Bahamas.
I just thought it would be safer and easier for me to file ahead instead of trying to get a popup clearance if I needed it the day I was wanting to leave. US Customs did not ask for our Covid test results but that may have been attach to our passports in the system as they asked for them when the test was performed on Bimini. I don't think the agents even looked at my plane. We took our bags in and ran them through the scanner. Easy peazy.

I will go back at some point. I wish all this covid industry would go away. Not holding my breath...Adds hundreds of dollars to the trip. Not sure they will ever give that up.

Have fun!

Post some pictures please if you don't mind...... Love seeing that clear blue water! Need a "Bahama Fix".........


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I wish I would have skipped staying a few nights at Freeport.
I'm glad I did get my EAPIS login setup and figured out well in advance as it is a little finnicky.
I regret not island hoping more as both times we've been we stayed on one island and not hoped around.
I should have brought along more RV buddies.
Staniel Kay is a must see.
The best excursion I did was renting a boat. Lots to motor around and see in a boat that you cannot see in the plane.
Don't waste your time looking for better resorts/accommodations than you can find state side as you will be disappointed but rather enjoy the amazing water the Bahamas have. Get some conch too!

Excellent feedback fellas.

Any recommendations for charter fishing? I'm staying most of the time at Treasure Cay but island hopping certainly sounds like the thing to do.

I got one nice fishing recommendation, but thus far I've not been able to reach the Captain.

Bahamas in an RV

Enjoyed Staniel Cay and Governors Island last year. Returning this May.

Get and read AOPA guides. Get Customs decal early. Practice EAPIS. Have plenty of cash (US $ works well) for fuel. Take your own tiedowns. Review latest Covid protocal for both Bahamas and US entry.

I find IFR to be the easiest. Foreflight filing works well as usual. If you want VFR you must file DVFR. Don't file Y (IFR to VFR) or Z (VFR to IFR). Those methods don't work on the Bahamas. VFR flight plans don't show up in the ATC system. Must open and close by calling Radio, not Center.

Local Guide

Excellent feedback fellas.

Any recommendations for charter fishing? I'm staying most of the time at Treasure Cay but island hopping certainly sounds like the thing to do.

I got one nice fishing recommendation, but thus far I've not been able to reach the Captain.


David Farrington from Green Turtle 242-577-4394 Best to contact via whatsapp if possible Super guy and can do tours, in-shore, diving, and off shore. Tournament winning and certified Captian.