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AV 30E Avmag setup.


Hi, Has anyone setup & calibrated a uAvionics AV 30 E Avmag ( external magnetometer ) ? I have just installed an AV mag in my RV 6 & would be interested in any advice on how to calibrate the av mag. I have installed it in the tail due to a flasher unit in the wings. Any advice or tips would be appreciated.Regards🐍.
It’s fairly simple. Find an airport compass rose and swing the magnetometer (similar to the way a mag compass is done). The AV-30-E will prompt you to align the plane to a specific magnetic heading. Press a button…it takes a magnetometer reading. Move to the next heading (30 degree higher)…..lather, rinse, repeat all the way around 360 degrees. At the end, the AV-30 does some math, stores all the magnetometer readings, and says you’re done.
Hi, Has anyone setup & calibrated a uAvionics AV 30 E Avmag ( external magnetometer ) ? I have just installed an AV mag in my RV 6 & would be interested in any advice on how to calibrate the av mag. I have installed it in the tail due to a flasher unit in the wings. Any advice or tips would be appreciated.Regards🐍.
I set up several. I tried a compass rose, no go for me. The one I used had 45 deg increments. MY suggestions, find and airport with a large taxi area with little or no traffic. Then using your GPS, taxi at a high enough rate of speed to get a stable reading on your track (using the tracks specified). Stop as best you can on that track you are after and hit the button:)