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Another RV-8 flies


Well Known Member

RV-8, N82470, SN-82470 made it's first and second flights on November 12th at 2R4 airport. This is my 3rd RV, and I cheated by starting with the QB kit this time. Construction began 2-18-06, and I was away for 6 weeks of training in May, so the total construction time was about 7.5 months. Total construction hours was 1100, which is only 500 less than my earlier non-QB RV-8. Yes, 1100 hours in 7.5 months is a lot, and I'm looking forward to doing something else now that it's flying.

Empty weight is 1080, which does not include any exterior paint, or wheel pants/fairings. The aircraft is equipped with an O-360, Hartzell blended airfoil prop, and Day/Night VFR+ panel.

The first flights were almost completely uneventful. The only issue was the rear half of the rubber channel on the left wing root coming loose. It really flaps around and makes some noise, and I'm guessing I'm not the only one who's ever heard that particular noise :)

There are a few pics, and a short takeoff video at: http://www.radrotary.com

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I don't see how it is is possible to build one of these things in such a short amount of time. That's 37 hours a week! Like having a second full time job.

BTW, not to alarm you or anything, but the engine sounded a little "funny". It was a little quiet, and seemed to be missing something. Can't quite place it, but it seemed like the pitch was a little low. It needs just a little more hmmmm.

A record?

Wow that's gotta be some kind of record! Awesome! I can't wait until that's me.
Thanks for sharing. :)

Have fun!

Congrats on the first flight! Having completed our 8 in 5 1/2 years...I am in awe of your short build time...way to go

That is great news! Congrats.

Now do you want to come over and help me finish my -9?
Thanks for all the kind comments.

As for the time to build, I'm sure this isn't even close to a record. Lot's of retired folks build these things, and I'm sure there have been RV's finished to minimum flying stage in half the time or less.

I WAS pretty motivated, and working on the plane is just about all I did for the last 9 months. My wife, and the homeowners assn will confirm that :p I think I won yard of the month a few times, but it wasn't "best" yard :D

What also made this possible was a change in vacation policy where I work. We can't save as much vacation as before, and I "had" to use 5-6 weeks this year to get down to the new maximum. During vacation weeks, I would log 80-100 hours of time working on the plane, so just the vacations account for half the build time. I only took the vacation a week at a time, because I was worn out by the end of the week, and ready to go back to work to rest :D

After a rest and some flying, I'll have to teach myself to paint.
