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advice on a particular used engine


Well Known Member
I'm hoping to get some advince on a used engine i'm looking at. I won't need an engine for quite a while, but if this is a good deal I wonder if I
should consider getting it, and pickling it for storage...

PENN YAN 0-320-D2J 160 HP for sale. Only 19 hours SFRM with minor prop strike. Engine dialled within tolerances. Best offer. Call 613-966-5600 Ext.102.

I phoned the guy and he said that the prop strike was when he crashed it into the top of some trees... he offered to send me a photo of the prop. He said his AME looked at it and it "dialed" well within tolerances. He wants at least $13,000CAD for it including plugs, ignition harness, starter, carb, alternator. It's close enough that I can just rent a truck and go pick it up myself.

What do you think? Is this a good deal?
Enter this with great caution, and take someone with you that is trained in engine matters, that will look at it, and ask the right questions.
Also, have someone else independently evaluate the engine tolerances.
be careful

Prop strikes are an unknown quantity. Even though the crank may be within tolerances, I personally would want to split the case and have a good look around. From an A&P standpoint we see poeple trying to save money all the time, don't be sucked into a "good deal" with potential problems in the future.
Quick story, a C-170 at the field had a partial ground loop and went up on its nose back in Feb. They needed a new prop and some sheet metal repairs but the "crank dialed ok". Then in June, about 50 hours later, the owner had an engine failure and went down in a hay field. Thankfully eveyone was ok. Was there a direct connection between the two incidents? Maybe, maybe not. Like the other responder said, bring someone who knows what they are looking at. It will also make a differance if the engine was stopped, or still turning then it hit the trees. There is a difference between "sudden stopage" and a stopped engine with a bent prop. Hope it turns out well.
Couple of thoughts....

Dialing the crank is about the best you can do without complete teardown, IMO.

Judge how honest you think the seller is being with you. If you can't determine this, you might want to move on.

If you think you can trust the person, take a close look at the prop. The rate of stoppage the engine saw ought to be related to the prop damage. I wouldn't be too worried about light tree limbs. Big ones or the trunk - more prop damage, more worry.

I have seen a couple of instances where engines excavated a hole in the dirt and kept going fine for years. But the uncertainty absolutely sure goes up after the prop hits something it shouldn't, no doubt.

Why did the plane end up in the trees??? Engine problems?! :eek:

Last, IMO, the price seems high for even a low time engine involved in a crash/prop strike. If you're sure about their honesty, offer them $8, and you may get a decent engine at a good price!! Good luck!

2 cents
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Needs a tear down and inspection

prkaye said:
What do you think? Is this a good deal?
Besides the crank when you have sudden stoppage you can damage the connecting rods, case, accessory drive gears to name a few items of many. Basically of it where good, than yes $13K is a deal. However being prudent, following Lycomings recommendation, you have to tear it down, inspect and reassemble. The price of a tear down and inspection is $?,???, could cost $3,000 or $4,000 if no repair is needed , just inspection, plus needed parts for tear down.

I bought and engine like this, 600 smoh and was pleasantly surprised that there was no major problem. I could have just put it back together but I elected to overhaul it and replace a lot of parts that where serviceable, since I was into it. The cost at the time, do-it-yourself was about $7,000. The BIG difference is I paied less than $3,000 for the engine, so I was taking less risk. At $13k you expect it to be perfect.

Question do you trust an engine that had a prop strike/sudden stoppage? If you factor in the cost to overhaul or at least tear-down-inspect, you are close to a new clone price, outright. I can only tell you of one horror story where a guy bought an engine like this and it failed on first flight. Through skill and luck he dead stick back to the airport. It is possible the engine is good but there is no way of knowing for sure without disassembly.