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A Sturgis For The RV Community?


Well Known Member
So I was flipping through the channels (trying to get up the motivation to go do some more painting in our currently-being-finished basement), and I went through a show about the Harley gathering in Sturgis. The show description called it "...one of the world's longest running motorcycle rallies."

And it hit me: How cool would it be if there was an annual RV rally that became a part of American lore (perhaps not for all the same reasons Sturgis is so infamous)?

Sure, there's Oshkosh. And the various other regional EAA fly-ins. But those aren't RV-specific. There are a few RV-specific fly-ins, but those seem to be more local in nature. We need a Sturgis for RVers.

I nominate Newton, Kansas. It's a big airport; lots of room for aircraft parking. But not too busy. Plus, all the conveniences and attractions of Wichita are close, but not so close as to inconvenience the fly-in.

Plus, I'd be able to easily go in the years until I can finish a plane. :D
There aleady is one....it's called Las Cruces. I think it's gone on for the last five years. I went to it in '04 and over 220 RV's showed up. Lots of fun.
I agree!


2005 pics: http://www.vansairforce.com/images/LOE5/index.html
2004 writeup: http://www.vansairforce.net/loe/loe4.htm
2003 pics: http://www.vansairforce.net/photography/loe3/loe3pictures.htm

I'm about to start ramping up for '06 - getting raffle prizes together, hotel info posted, etc.

I'll start the push after Homecoming.

The Land of Enchantment RV Fly-in (LOE) is ALL RV, no vendors, no airshow. Just RVs, RV people, RV viewing and RV socializing in an interesting setting.

Bring a lawn chair!


PS: Oct 13,14,15 is the 2006 date.

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Thing is, you don't just see Harley's at Sturgis, you see all kinds of bikes. I'd say OSH is the closest thing we have. RV's have now become a big part of OSH. What I'd like to see is an RV mass arrival. Bonanzas? Mooney's? Cessna's?? Please! No offense but at an experimental aviation airshow? We gotta' start taking it back! :)
Now how could I have forgotten that?!

And I'm sure Las Cruces offers a lot more in the way of off-airport entertainment and scenery than the greater Newton-Wichita area!
Las Cruces

I haven't been to the LOE flyin, but I will when I get my plane finished.

If you've been to LOE, you may be in for a big surprise...they've had gobs of rain around the El Paso area lately and I will guess that it will indeed look like the land of enchantment with lots of green.
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Uh, not Sturgis, but We're in the planning stages of an interesting RV fly-in at Independence, Oregon in 2007. Preliminary date is mid September of 2007. It will be different, it will be fun. It would be hosted by EAA Chapter 292. There are 27 flying RV's two Rockets and another 26 RV's under construction on the field. There will be RV camping, Meals, RV fly outs to spectacular places (mountains, beaches, Van's), RV seminars, RV homes on the airpark who will put up pilots, and a general rompin' good time. Stay tuned, we'll let you know when we have more details and go live with a webpage, look for the link in a few weeks at www.eaa292.org

If you have novel, interesting and great ideas of what you'd want in an RV fly-in, by all means let me know, we aim to please.

I'll post a reminder when the page is up.
Variety of locations

Wonderful concept........RVs only!

The gathering should rotate to different parts of the country like many organizations (including the National Agricultural Aviation Assoc) do. LOE is over 1400 miles from me in Georgia and further for the South Carolinians and Florida guys (Smokey, et al,). Oregon is almost out of the question for us Easterners. Besides, there are gorgeous locations in North Ga. and Carolina, not to mention the beach areas.

I'd love to see an RV air race around pylons, even if it were one plane at a time, racing the clock. RV airshow maybe? Anybody have a low altitude waiver? I know a friend who's getting his. A cross-country race based on the EAA's rules to the site? Fuel efficiency contest.....time-to-climb? Lotsa possibilities. :cool:
The last Saturday of February at i39 in Madison, KY. We had over 100 RV's the first year (three years ago) with nice representation the past two years. No vendors, no airshow, no forums..........HOOTERS GIRLS........lies on the ramp and did I say HOOTERS GIRLS. Now that the house is done, I am already on the phone lining up even more door prizes and HOOTE........you get the point:)
svanarts said:
Thing is, you don't just see Harley's at Sturgis, you see all kinds of bikes. I'd say OSH is the closest thing we have. RV's have now become a big part of OSH. What I'd like to see is an RV mass arrival. Bonanzas? Mooney's? Cessna's?? Please! No offense but at an experimental aviation airshow? We gotta' start taking it back! :)
There has been an arrival of sorts for RVs each year when the participants in the Pre-Oshkosh Formation Clinic arrive at OSH on Sunday each year. This year we had 16 RVs land in 4-ship flights and taxi in as a 16-ship staggered. Next year we will conduct a 35-ship formation in honor of Van's 35th year at OSH, so the arrival will be a 35-ship plus.

Stu McCurdy (Falcon)
Start another fly-in

jrsites said:
And it hit me: How cool would it be if there was an annual RV rally that became a part of American lore (perhaps not for all the same reasons Sturgis is so infamous)?

Sure, there's Oshkosh. And the various other regional EAA fly-ins. But those aren't RV-specific. There are a few RV-specific fly-ins, but those seem to be more local in nature. We need a Sturgis for RVers.
It sounds like you want one in your back door, since most of the RV spacific events are in the South West and North West (Van's Homecoming).

Why don't you start a MID Continent RV gathering in Kansas? Sounds like a great idea. Nothing wrong with Kansas, but I think the other locations are more attractive locations due to other nearby destinations, activities and geography. However I have to agree it is too far for East Coasters.

Cheers George

PS: Sturgis , ha ha ha ha, let me tell you a story. What a bunch of weekend posers and lechers out for some amateur debauchery before they go back to their dentist practice. Nothing wrong with that :rolleyes:, but let me tell you many have their bikes SHIPPED IN! I was going thru Rapid City airport when I was a corporate pilot many years ago. Went to the terminal for lunch and there where all these folks with tasseled leather jackets and chaps. It did not occure to me it was Sturgis at the moment. Sitting in the airport restaurant looking out over the parking lot, I saw a bunch of Wells Fargo trailers with Harley's being unloaded. These "Motorcyclist" had their bikes trucked in so they could take an airline to Rapid City and ride the 80 miles to Sturgis. Look I'm a motorcyclist since 16 years old, have ridden cross country on my bike and my friend lives in Daytona. Sturgis, Daytona, lots of fun but airplane folks and real bikers are two different groups, no statement of superiority or elitism intended, just an observation. I guess we need to have our planes flown in for us or shipped in to make it Sturgis? :rolleyes: Can you imagine the shenanigans that go on at Sturgis going on at Oshkosh or Van's homecoming?
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Stu McCurdy said:
There has been an arrival of sorts for RVs each year when the participants in the Pre-Oshkosh Formation Clinic arrive at OSH on Sunday each year. This year we had 16 RVs land in 4-ship flights and taxi in as a 16-ship staggered. Next year we will conduct a 35-ship formation in honor of Van's 35th year at OSH, so the arrival will be a 35-ship plus.

Stu McCurdy (Falcon)

That's the stuff! I'll be there (hopefully) next year to see it!
gmcjetpilot said:
What a bunch of weekend posers and lechers out for some amateur debauchery before they go back to their dentist practice.

Geeze!!! Now I know how all the Lawers feel gettin' picked on all the time! :p

Personally, I try to keep my debauchery as professional as I can... :D
Ha! This is funny.....I was born / raised in Sturgis, and my family still all lives there. My dad has a Ranch outside of town with a really nice long strip/airport there. We were thinking instead of having a SteinAir open house this year, we might just have some informal RV gathering and RV races (completely non-sanctioned of course)! Have a gathering in the middle a couple thousand acres of private land makes worrying about the general public a moot point - lot more fun that way! Anyway, nothing in the works yet, but when we get some time I think we'll work something up....then those with the "fastest RV's", can put up or .......


RV6's, Minneapolis
RV7, Finish Kit ordered last week.

How about having a Vans Air Force fly-in @ the DFW area? It's pretty centrally located and has alot of attractions.

..........unless you prefer San Antonio....the tacos, cervesas and senoritas - ..if you don't mind the summer/fall heat............
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East Coast Colors

A large RV Fly in on the East Coast would be a great Idea! I think the Madison, KY idea is great! :D However, I think it should be in October to catch the fall colors. It could be the ECC (East Coast Colors) Fly in.
KY East Coast?

Flyrod did you go to geography class? KY is closer to mid west than east coast.

While Las Cruces was great, I agree with Pierre and others. It was a long ride and the odds of getting out and back(just got my 8 home yesterday from Abilene) in one weekend are slim due to weather. The jungle rules premise is sound, the charity cause was worth the trip, but a more geographically centered location, capable of hosting upwards of 700 RVs, would not only allow for more money to be raised for the charties, it would allow builders that have not completed construction to drive/fly in for additional inspiration and motivation. The DFW area, the St. Louis area or the Newton Kansas area all sound like good central locations.

With over 4000 flying is it not time to start an organization/foundation like the Beech/Cessna/Mooney Groups with a board of directors and a yearly gathering with jungle rules and a growth path. This organization could be an information clearing house, a safety foundation and the planning central for a no vendor, centrally located, LOE style flyin. Oshkosh/Sun N Fun are trade shows for all. Let LOE be the foundation or model for a centrally located, yearly fly in, for the group of RV Builders/Flyers. Do you not think that Doug could use some assistance?

BTW CaptainRON should be required at all RV flyins.

Osh has grown into a monster

svanarts said:
I'd say OSH is the closest thing we have. RV's have now become a big part of OSH. What I'd like to see is an RV mass arrival. Please! No offense but at an experimental aviation airshow? We gotta' start taking it back! :)
You hit the nail right on the head Scott. When I started going to Osh back in the eighties you really felt like part of a grass roots brotherhood. Experimental's and their builders were celebrated front and center. It was their show. Now their just a very small part. RV's have there own parking area, but its out back where a lot of people have to make an effort to find it.
The trouble is, Osh has become America's air show. It's the place the big guys go to unveil their new stuff (Cessna, Honda etc.) and the rich and famous showoff their toys. I think it's only a matter of time before Boeing shows up.
LOE was started by RVer's for RVer's. I can't think of a better place for it in one of the most beautiful parts of the country. It's a very long ride for me here in upstate NY but I'm dreaming of the day when I can fly my creation out there. From the pictures and stories I've seen and read it sure looks like RV Heaven to me. Lets just hope it doesn't get so big in twenty years that they push us out in back to make room for the Honda's.
Tom Norwood
RV-6A N822PM (res)
NYTOM said:
LOE was started by RVer's for RVer's. I can't think of a better place for it in one of the most beautiful parts of the country. It's a very long ride for me here in upstate NY but I'm dreaming of the day when I can fly my creation out there. From the pictures and stories I've seen and read it sure looks like RV Heaven to me. ...snip
Tom, you're right on target and I think you'll find the trip to LOE is time well spent. One guy came from Maine this year!

LOE is strictly RV. If the WX had played along this year we were expecting 150-200 RVs all on the same ramp with mountains in the background. 110 showed up with rain! On a good year there are several pockets of builders spread around the ramp in lawn chairs discussing construction and showing off their mods. Cowls come off and lifelong friendships are made.


No jets. No tractors. No worries. Take off when you want. Land when you want.

It's a RV family reunion above all else......with beer.


PS: You fly from NY and you're in my car....that'll save you $35/day!

PSS: If there ends up being a Kentucky RV flyin (or anywhere out east) just let me know. I'll help promote it anyway you'll let me!
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Flyrod said:
A large RV Fly in on the East Coast would be a great Idea! I think the Madison, KY idea is great! :D However, I think it should be in October to catch the fall colors. It could be the ECC (East Coast Colors) Fly in.

We already have one. For the last 3 years, Sun N' Fun & the Florida VAF Wing have held an RVs only weekend fly in at LAL in January. The date has not yet been set for the January 2008 event yet. You can check below to learn when it will be held. See


Charlie Kuss
Interesting thought

Kansas is the geographical center of the United States.

Sunshine 300 days of the year. 28 inches of annual rainfall. Flat and unpopulated. Could put on a spot landing in crosswind conditions contest.

Wouldn't it be fun to put the "Air Capital of the World" (Wichita) on its ear to have a thousand RV's show up?

Just a thought.

Pat Garboden
Ozark, MO (Used to live in Wichita)