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A Little Motivation...DON'T try this at home :)


Well Known Member
For those of you still pounding rivets....I finally got around to putting out a short clip to help you keep going - Warning...please don't try this at home!



Keep working...


RV6, Flying
RV7, Finish kit just ordered!
No roll??

Nice Stein,
But where was the aileron roll after the high speed pass? :confused: Now THAT would be something not to try at home if you've never done aerobatics.
In Jest Only

Wow...one day I would love to do this. Now get back to work and finish my panel :D
pierre smith said:
Nice Stein,
But where was the aileron roll after the high speed pass? :confused: Now THAT would be something not to try at home if you've never done aerobatics.

LOL! But, just in case someone is thinking about that...I'm kind of crazy, but not dumb! I don't know a lot of people who've died doing an immelman on a pass, but I do know of lot's of people who've died doing/trying/attempting a roll after a pass. Once locally here not too long ago. It can be done, but......we wouldn't want any "monkey see - monkey do" syndromes now would we?!?!?

Credit for the camera work goes to my even crazier friend (and new RV7 builder) Paul Story who actually laid down prone on the runway for some of those shots - talk about nuts! You couldn't pay me to do that (especially if I knew someonw like me was flying the plane)! He's one of those nutty adrenaline junkies that also has been known to jump out of a perfectly good plane.....

My pull ups are as good as they can be (1,000') because we're under a low inner ring of Class B, and if I went any higher I might run into the belly of an unspuspecting 747 or DC9, and that would ruin your whole afternoon! Get out on the prarie with no Class B above and these RV's will go up for a looong ways :)

The Rest of the Clips.


I better get back to work on Mike's panel
Great Video !!

I'm going to show these to my Mooney owner friend who has been "intrigued" with my RV6, this could put him over the edge !!