
I'm New Here
My old, 1st generation Lightspeed ANR headset is showing its age and is asking for retirement. I have been comparing the Zulu PFX and the Zulu.2.

For the $200 difference, is the PFX really worth the cost difference? The real test is actual use in the air. Does anyone have any real-word comparison?

Kim Nicholas
RV9A. Auburn, WA
I have a PFX as I got a nice trade in on an old pair of 30-3G headsets. They are ok, but if I had to do it over again I'd get the Zulu 2.

My old, 1st generation Lightspeed ANR headset is showing its age and is asking for retirement. I have been comparing the Zulu PFX and the Zulu.2.

For the $200 difference, is the PFX really worth the cost difference? The real test is actual use in the air. Does anyone have any real-word comparison?

Kim Nicholas
RV9A. Auburn, WA

I traded one (1) pair of my Zulu 1 for the Zulu PFX. The PFX is quieter BUT it has been back to the factory twice for repair because the ANR was intermittent. The 2nd time back was to change to the LEMO plug so they would run on ship power. They EAT batteries more than any headset I have ever seen. The 3rd time back was the 2nd repair as the ANR was intermittent on the new LEMO control box. I find the intermittent ANR degrade a safety issue. 1st time it happened, I thought I broke an exhaust stack. ANR was still working but degraded so much I 1st thought I had an airplane problem.

I like the AKG AV100 and Bose A20 better than the PFX. Yes the PFX is quieter BUT having intermittent ANR issues on 2 out of 3 control boxes has kept me from buying an 2nd PFX.

Both the AKG AV100 and the Bose A20 with a LEMO plug can use an adapter cable and the built in battery box to work in any GA aircraft. The PFX has either a control box with batteries or a slightly smaller but still huge control box that will work with the LEMO ship power jack. According to Lightspeed Support, an adapter cable that has its own battery box may NOT work as it may not have enough power to operate the ANR circuits.

PFX back to the factory 3 times in 9-months is not a headset that I will buy again.

Maybe I am the only one having problems with PFX but the problems I have had will keep me from buying another PFX and recommending others to beware before they buy PFX.
Zulu 2

Zulu 2 w/ Lemo works like a charm for me. Light, durable, quiet, etc.... However, the only other ANR I've owned was an old heavy David Clark model. So I can't really offer a comparison to other modern ANR headsets.

I was torn between those and the AKGs myself, but chose Lightspeed due to their reputation at the time.
I have extensively used the Bose X, the Bose A20, the Lightspeed Sierra, Zulu, Zulu.2 and now have a PFX. I wouldn't trade the PFX for any of the others. The battery box is big, and the batteries don't last as long as I would like, but the comfort, sound quality and cord make it the best of the bunch IMHO. The battery box is big, but it is much more sturdy as well and has a nice strong clip for handing it on a pocket or something like that.
Jesse, interesting comments from a multi user, and as such valuable.
I have been seeing a few PFX for sale here, with the typical comment about large control/battery box.
I was beginning to think the size of the box may be a significant issue for many, and had decided to wait to see if Lightspeed introduced some sort of Mk2 PFX to address that issue, if possible.

I have two Zulu.2s and one PFX and prefer the Zulu.2. My PFX is LEMO powered so I continue to use it primarily with the LEMO plug but will use the Zulu.2 in other planes and like it better. I get intermittent absence of cancelling which is only slightly improved by recalibrating it. The worst is on take off roll. Just when I do not want to be distracted.....

I was about to send it back but tried the recalibration several times on one flight and it kept getting slightly better so have kept it. If I had it to do over again, I would have gone back with another Zulu.2. I like the LS headsets in general and have flown with them since the first XL-30 came out.

Headsets are very personal so my experience could be all together different than others.

I have a PFX and Zulu 2. I prefer the PFX. It's a bit better noise reduction and a bit better sound quality for music through the headset which I use often. I use both every week, and prefer the PFX. The PFX replaced an AKG AV100 set which was frankly the worst headset I have ever owned. The sound quality was horrible, half the time I couldn't understand radio transmissions. So I took advantage of their warranty and swapped it for another set which was even worse. Returned them to Spruce and went with the regrets.

I suggest you try several....IN AN AIRPLANE and decide from there.

I have had 30 3GS and Zulu 2s. Traded in the 30 3GS on Pfx. At first I saw no difference but after a while I feel the difference between the pfx and Zulu 2 is large. I particularly like the the new cord design. That being said they use 4 batteries vs 2. Pay the extra for the Pfx.

Is anybody using or enjoying the Flight Link features????
I am hard of hearing and the features unique to the PFX would seem to help that. Especially BASS and TREBLE control and the Voice Clarity boost.

FlightLink personal preferences ? Zulu PFX only.
The Voice Clarity option boosts frequencies common in human speech.
Bass and treble levels of the intercom and auxiliary inputs can be fine tuned.
A battery life indicator provides precise information on remaining battery life
An audible low battery warning can be turned on and off.

Lightspeed doesn't promote the FlightLink features in their promos although it is listed with a link. Just wondering if pilots are using it.
Again, the Voice Boost, bass and treble control is unique to PFX.
I am a longtime Lightspeed user with the G3-30's and Zulu's....thinking about the PFX pretty hard.

Thanks for input.
I had a DC stereo set which is just not up to the task in an RV. Then I got the Zulu and loved it. Comfortable, light, and my first experience with ANR. After I bought a plane I wanted a second ANR set for the passenger side so I got the newest Zulu PFX. It is a really good headset BUT. I only use it as a headset and I don't need all the Bluetooth confusion on the control box. Also, It should just have one level of ANR, not the confusing second level (which does work well). And my biggest complaint and why I will look very closely at the next headset I buy, the battery life is terrible.

Incidentally, I don't worry about the size of the battery control box. I Have a side pocket for charts and reading glasses and whatnot that is next to my knee. I clip the control on the outside of the pocket and never touch it except to turn it on and off and change the batteries every couple hours...:rolleyes: