
Well Known Member
I bought a Zulu PFX headset to get a quieter experience, and for the most part that is the case. However, at specific RPMs or while looking left close to the canopy, I am hearing a low volume warble that is annoying enough that I sent it back in for repair. After the repair it is still there, so I borrowed a friends PFX headset and noticed it does the same thing in my plane. My friend has a slider, so it may be the roll bar changes the cockpit dynamics so he doesn't run into the issue. I have also tried the headset in a C-182 without issue, so I am assuming this may be related to vibrations off of my canopy. My original Zulu headset works flawlessly.

Has anyone else with a PFX in a tip-up canopy had a similar issue?
Had that happen to me. I talked to LightSpeed and got instructions on how to wear the headset. It seems I had the ear cups too high. Adjusted them down and problem went away.

I had this same problem happen with the Zulu 2 as well as the PFX that I tried. It does not happen with my Sierra. It was annoying enough that I decided to buy the Bose A20 instead of another lightspeed. It is when you break the seal around your ear I found.
I was out in Portlandia visiting my son and his family so I took my PFXs into the factory. They replaced the ear seals and did a couple of minor adjustments and it is a completely different experience now. You might contact them as they said that these new ear seals should be available soon. I got great service and just walked up to the office.

Now they are great but I had the same noises before, as well.

I've found that regardless of headset, unless I lift the edges of my ballcap above the headset seals, I get degraded cancellation.
Yeah, I have explored a broken seal, and this is not that. The thumping that happens when the seal breaks is completely different that the warble I am getting a specific RPMs. This really seems like it is an odd feedback issue with the headset, but maybe the seals are still the issue. It is back in for Lightspeed to have another look, so I am hopeful they can improve it. They do have great customer service, and I am lucky to be local to their office.
It's the way ANR's work. They work on the principle of phase cancellation, in layman's terms. They have mic's that listen for all the noise, a processor that determines what the manufacturer don't want you to have to hear, then it phase cancels those frequencies. Sometimes they just can't remove certain sounds. In some cases the noise has to be more consistent to be removed, in other case one manufacturer will remove more of the noise your specific plane produces compared to another headset or plane, has to do with electronics and software. Sometimes the noise is just too loud and the headsets can't remove it. I've found that the Bose A20's have worked the best in the most conditions. But still aren't 100%.
The factory did replace the ear seals with new slightly larger prototype ones. Based on John's experience, I am hopeful these will help.