
Well Known Member
I traded in my original Zulus for a new set of zulu threes.

This weekend I got to fly with him for the first time. They seem to work good and fit well except for one problem.

Frequently I would get a very annoying Rumble in the hesdset. This would last for 5 to 10 seconds or so and then go away.

Does anyone know if this is normal? Does anyone know what the cause might be? I would appreciate any comments.
I believe it's the ANR circuitry trying to cancel out noise. You may have to send them back for adjustment. Are you wearing a hat and/or glasses? Try them without the hat/glasses.

I believe it's the ANR circuitry trying to cancel out noise. You may have to send them back for adjustment. Are you wearing a hat and/or glasses? Try them without the hat/glasses.

Yes I am wearing them with very thin framed glasses. I'm not clear on what you are suggesting. I have to fly with my glasses so were you just suggesting to try this to see if the problem went away? And then if it did it would indicate a problem that could be adjusted out by the factory?

Try without the glasses (if can be done safely of course) and see if the problem persists. Wearing the headset tight across the top of the head with glasses can sometimes create small air gaps, which is what can cause the ANR imbalance/confusion. Loosen up the top band, pull them away from your head and let them resettle fully around your ears, and then gently tighten up the top band, but really only enough to keep them from sliding - not a clamping action. See if that maybe helps.
Had the same problem. Give them a call and send the set in for a software update. Fixed mine.


On my flight home today I tried them without my glasses (or hat) on. The rumbling didn't go away. In fact it got so bad I had to change headsets, in flight, for a crappy 30 year old set of passive DC's.

I finally decided to bite the bullet and spend the $850 on a pair of noise cancelling headsets - and they are noisier than my 30 year old passive DC's!

I will send them in, but these are brand new and it pisses me off - I guess for $850 they can't afford to QC the **** things...