
Does anyone have any experience with the Zip Tips especially with Garmin avionics. I have heard good and bad.
I had the first winglet type of zip tips made overseas. The early light package interfered with the GN\TN 650/750. The later mod resolved that issue. My only complaint is it is almost impossible to clean the lens from the inside, They do reduce drag and add to aileron effectiveness.

DAr Gary
I’ve got them with a Garmin 650 and SL30. What’s your question?

Thanks Scotty, my question is ... Have you had any noise issues with your radios and what version of the Ziptips do you have and when did you install them. They would work well in my case as I need to update the fiberglass as i have tips from a 2005 kit and have the old gelcoat which is not as nice as the new ones. Tell me anything you can about the ziptips..


I have the newest ZipTips Premier model, and I installed them about three months ago. I did use copper adhesive shielding for the lightbox on the wingtips based on earlier complaints I had also read. The only problem I have is a very faint ticking sound in the headsets when I have the strobe lights on. It’s not loud or pervasive at all, I have a dimmer switch in the cockpit which makes much more noise. Overall, I am extremely happy with them.
Last I heard was 3-5 months. I believe they’ll put people with flying aircraft on the list and massage it so they can fly sooner, and then guys with builds still get theirs as they get ready to fly.
I ordered 12/15 with an estimated delivery of 2/15. Haven’t seen them yet and he never asked if I have a flying plane or where I am in the process.