E. D. Eliot

Well Known Member
So, is zinc chromate 'the best' or is something that is water based (like the products of Stewart Systems) better? I know that ZC is not available in Taxyafornia, just wondering?

Any thoughts on this. Your input is of great value to me.
So, is zinc chromate 'the best' or is something that is water based (like the products of Stewart Systems) better? I know that ZC is not available in Taxyafornia, just wondering?

Any thoughts on this. Your input is of great value to me.

Absolutely EVERYTHING you will ever want to know about primers will be found in the archives. In your case just do a VansAirforce search on "Zinc chromate". See "Search" button at top of screen.

One of the threads that will appear on that search will be "Zinc Chromate OK ?" which started in 2011. That thread alone should answer all of your questions. ;)

However, if after reading that thread, you still have a question then I highly recommend that you attach your question to the same "Zinc chromate OK?" thread and it will become resurrected and attract further responses. That thread will then become larger and a more valuable source of information on the Zinc Chromate topic into the future. Considering that it's already 3 pages long and has 25 posts there doesn't seem to be any point to me in starting all over again from scratch.

You will also have an advantage in posting your further question on a larger thread because it will invite more members to read it (all things being equal, members are drawn to read larger threads with more hits because they believe they must be more interesting). Therefore you will be more likely to get your question answered than by persevering with your new little thread. :)
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Thank you sir!

Bob - thanks for the great info - I'll have a lot to look at tonight when I get back to the VAF. I appreciate your help.