
Well Known Member
I'm thinking of replacing my old iPad Gen 1 with a Asus ZenPad S8 running either Avware or FltPlnGO.

Any reports on glare with a ZenPad S8 and if anyone is using one, which version are you using, the 2G ram (cheap) or 4G ram (more expensive)?

I don't know much about Android tablets, but I assume they will support email, internet browsing and a spreadsheet. Can anyone enlighten me about these functions?


Jim Butcher
Europa XS
The short answer is yes, the Android devices support all the things you have identified. There are any number of apps to do so, including those which come built in with the operating system. I have Nexus devices and use the default Chrome web browser that's built in, as well as the default Sheets spreadsheet tool for the little bit of spreadsheet work I need to perform on a tablet. The one app which I purchased for my Nexus 6 phone is called "Nine" or "Nine Folders". It's an email app which works very well for email. It cost me something like $10 and represents good value.

The only advice I would give anybody buying an Android device is to give consideration to the Nexus devices since they are running "pure" Android rather than the Android OS plus a bunch of layers of other cr@p added by the tablet manufacturer. This means you get OS updates very quickly on the Nexus devices, and very infrequently on the devices where the manufacturer has added their own software wrapper.
The only advice I would give anybody buying an Android device is to give consideration to the Nexus devices since they are running "pure" Android rather than the Android OS plus a bunch of layers of other cr@p added by the tablet manufacturer. This means you get OS updates very quickly on the Nexus devices, and very infrequently on the devices where the manufacturer has added their own software wrapper.

Ditto what he said. You'll pay more for the Nexus but you receive much better value.

I bought one of the cheap Android tablets and had trouble running one of the aviation apps due to OS level incompatibilities. Gave it to my wife to use as a Kindle and bought a Nexus, and haven't had a problem.
