
Does anyone have experience with Zaon XRX traffic unit mounted on the top of bar behind the RV7/9 seats?

I was told by a Zaon person at Sun-n-fun that it worked fine in this location. Of course it would be wired to display on a panel mounted GPSMAP 496.
I'm wishing.......

that Zaon would make a unit that has a remote antenna, (mount it inside the top of the vertical stab) and a box that has no display other than some sort of indicator that tells you it's working or faulted etc. Display would be on your moving map. I'd buy one!

Mark Erickson
Getting ready to paint.

I was told by Zaon that they tried but could not and now will not be producing a remote unit.

Why couldn't you treat the XRX as a remote unit since you'll be using a cable to connect it to a GPSMAP 496 display anyway. That's why I was interested in mounting it on the bar behind the RV7/9 seats.

Alternately I was thinking of cutting a square, the size of the antennae part in the top or bottom of the fuselage and mount it remotely with the antennae part sticking out and the box inside. But I'd rather just put it behind the seats if that works.

Their rep told me that the factory will convert the unit into a switchable unit that powers up when a switch is opened and that many builders are having success mounting the unit in a hole cut into the dash with the old switch out of sight. This allows only the antenna to protrude upwards into the line of sight.

I too am interested in learning about where to mount the unit. You guys that are using the ZAON please chim in.

RV-3 Mount

I made a bracket and mounted my unit just behind the seatback, above the slider rail in my RV-3 slider, leaving just enough room to clear the canopy when closed. That was the only place I could find in the cockpit with reasonable clearance from ferrous metal (Zaon recommends 6" clearance). I have it interfaced to my 496, so don't need to see the unit display. The audio-out from the Garmin is run to the audio-in of the Zaon, and the audio-out of the Zaon to earbuds, which gives me audio from both (no headset audio interface or intercom in the plane). With the Zaon turned off, the Garmin audio still comes through.

Still learning to use the unit. It picks up some traffic but not all. Per the Zaon rep at Oshkosh, the Garmin display provides 22-degree fidelity (vs. 45-degree for the unit display), displays traffic within 6 miles on the moving map, and within 2 miles on a pop-up window in the lower left of the Garmin screen. Audio alerts if a conflict appears possible.

XRX mount

I mounted the XRX on a RAM mount to the baggage wall on an RV7a slider and wired the serial line into a GRT. It works well.

I have been flying with the unit linked to my 496 since May 2008 in my 172. As far as it working, I would say it works very well

I plan to move it to the RV9 when I am ready to mount it so I am also interested in what people are doing. I am especially interested in how you are going to be dealing with the on/off switch, mute, selection switch, etc. if it is mounted in the baggage area or on the rail behind the seats. Since the unit screen has to be facing aft it will make it somewhat difficult to get to the appropriate buttons when needed. Does the remote switch eliminate the need to get to any of the buttons on the unit itself?

For you guys who have already mounted the unit, is there any chance of seeing some pictures of your installations?
Our Mounting on the RV9A

Our unit is linked to the 696.
Here's the bracket we fabricated out of .040 to hold the unit on the left side of the glareshield

Used the suppled velcro to attach the XRX to the bracket.

Hope this is of some help
130 hours
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