Martin Sutter

Well Known Member
Has anybody tried to install a Zaon XRX in the wing tip on an RV? I would love to have one in my 7A but cannot stand the idea of it cluttering my glare shield (yeah, I know you get used to it). I know of some successful installations in the baggage area but would prefer to keep the unit totally out of sight.

The wing tip location should work well in detecting traffic up, down, fore, aft and the side away from the plane but what about the side towards the plane? If anybody can share experience with that I would love to know. The Zaon folks think it would probably work but had no experience with it.

Martin Sutter
Building and flying RV's since 1988
EAA Technical Councelor
I dont think so.

Humm. Good thought but I would not think you could not put it in the wing tip because the wing would block the antenna. I am not an antenna expert but have some knowledge of consumer electronic antennas.

You might be able to disconnect the antenna from the unit and add an extension. Then you could place the antenna in a less visible location. BUT? Adding extensions introduces noise and may disrupt the calibration.

I too hate the requirements on placement of the Zaon XRX and am thinking of going with the Garmin 330.

My 2 cents on this

According to their tech support and my own experience, any good size chunk of metal will degraded/prevent a good detection. I have installed mine in the baggage area and is getting a good result.

Also another consideration is if you need to recalibrate it, then it is more work to get it out of the wing tip.
Any Pics?


Do you have any pictures of the XRX in the baggage compartment? I'm on the verge of splurging for the unit, but like many others, do not wish to clutter up the view out the front. I've even relocated my 496 without using the Gizmo mount and want to keep that view clear.

my install

This is a picture of my install of an XRX in the baggage area of an RV7a slider. I feed the serial
traffic info to a GRT on the panel.

Zaon XRX in Wing Tip Update

I recently had the opportunity to test an XRX in my 7A's wing tip thanks to the generosity of Tom Lewis who let me borrow a unit he had on hand for installation in his RV10.

I chose to mount the XRX in the left wing tip because it contains no antennae or other electrical devices other than the nav and landing lights. I fabricated a pad from structural high density foam and glued it in the wing tip with flox and epoxy as far out board as possible. This location places the unit about 12" from the wing rib.

After configuring the XRX and the GRT EFIS it was time for a test flight. Initial results were encouraging and two cross country trips to Big Bend Ranch and to Atlanta, Ga. confirmed that this location works very well. I have not been able to detect a blind spot around the airplane and traffic is accurately displayed in the proper location. I purchased an XRX at Sun and Fun based on the satisfactory experience I had with the loaner unit.

Martin Sutter
Building and flying RV's since 1988
EAA Technical Counselor
The unit was modified to come on whenever power is supplied to it. This mod bypasses the on/off soft key on the front of it. The mod costs $40 and has to be done by XAON

Martin Sutter
Building and Flying RV's since 1988
EAA Technical Counselor
I would think the right tip would be a better choice on the SBS airplanes because if there is any effect of the wing blanking out aircraft to the left, at least they would be on the left side where its more likely you will visually pick up oncoming traffic. Since transponders operate at 1080Mhz its less likely that blanking will have an effect on transponder signals, compared to say a VHF comm antenna in the wingtip.
You are right Bob, given a choice the right tip would be preferable. In my case I already have two antennae in the right tip and I wanted to eliminate any chance of interference.

Martin Sutter
Building and Flying RV's since 1988
EAA Technical Counselor
I chose to mount the XRX in the left wing tip because it contains no antennae or other electrical devices other than the nav and landing lights. I fabricated a pad from structural high density foam and glued it in the wing tip with flox and epoxy as far out board as possible. This location places the unit about 12" from the wing rib.


We're gonna try mounting the Zaon in the right wingtip of the RV-10. Since your install is functioning well, would you describe the fore/aft placement? Wondering how far back to stay away from that wingtip landing light. A photo of your foam pad installation would be great!
Why no remote mount antenna?

I understand the function of the unit.

It is a get up and take it with you kind of unit.

However what would it have hurt to have put in remote mounted antenna plugs in the back of it.

I guess they never thought of that at the time considering the intended market and now the thing is built and to get a redesign costs money.

I would definitely be more interested in "installing" it if there was a top and bottom antenna mount possibility.

It just doesn't seem that hard of an alteration. Maybe I am wrong...
I called Zaon and asked that question and if one was perhaps coming out soon. The answer was that they had already attempted it and it could not be produced at a cost they felt would sell and that nothing as planned. This was as of about 6 months ago.

Yep they did it several years ago. Even had working prototypes. They mentioned the price and everyone laughed. Not gonna fly was the overwhelming response.....
It is intresting that this thread has surfaced again. I have been rethinking my response I made back in feb.

I absolutely hate it on my glare shield. And because I have a slider with the steel bar supporting the roll bar, I have noticed a blind spot. There are a few spots of "reflection" also. When the xrx indicates a plane to my 2-o'clock, it is actually at my 10-o'clock. I have gotten used to it and now look there.

The xrx can see planes to my 6, so I am now thinking a wing mount might not be bad. There may be a blind spot, but a plane traveling perpendicular to me will pass behind me.

Anyway, I will try the wing mount and see.

The xrx is not a replacement for a good eye scan. Just a reminder sometimes.
So, here is the report back.
It will work in your wing tip. I mounted the Zaon as for out in the wingtip as possible and I am happy to say it works as well as on the glare shield. I wanted to wait until I had a good feel for what was capable in the wing tip before I posted.

If you remember, I did have some issues with reflected targets when on the glare shield. I don't have that issue in the wingtip. But I do have a very slight blind spot. But it is not where I expected it to be. It is intermittent and at my 9- o'clock slightly low. This is odd because the Zaon is in the left wingtip. I can read 3-o'clock. But it is a very small blind spot. If I roll either way, the target will show up.

Anyway. Here is my mounting.
moved my XRX

A few weeks before Sun & Fun, I moved my XRX from a mount on the baggage wall to my right wing tip in my RV7a. I mounted it similar to what Martin Sutter did, in a foam cradle as far out as possible in the wing tip. In that wing tip, I have a strobe power supply and a VOR/ILS antenna. It works well. The other detail is in the XRX you select aircraft type and I selected none. I am very pleased with the results.
Inspired by this thread I decided to install the XRX in the wingtip of my 9A. I have not done a lot of flying with it yet but it seems to be working well.

I carved then glassed in a foam block so the XRX sits level all round with the aircraft in the straight and level flight attitude.

The device is attached by sticky back velcro plus a cable tie (possibly not neccessary)


I found an easier way to deal with the remote antenna issue by installing a Monroy Traffic-Watch+ unit. The Monroy antenna is the same size and shape as a transponder antenna and is installed on the belly. The unit itself can be panel mounted. It works pretty well. It is also FAA approved for certified aircraft. For less than $1K (combo package) is a pretty good deal. Check

XRX in Wing Tip

I mounted mine behind me on the baggage compartment wall a year or so ago with brackets from RAM. Worked super feeding a signal to my GRTs and was high enough in the canopy to be the highest object around. Had the XRX wired to come on automatically with power.

FYI ..Just removed it this week to install ADS-B. If anyone knows anyone interested in an low-mileage XRX and a RAM mount, please sent me a PM.