
Well Known Member
I have seen many people use these. From the website, they sound awesome. But what are the advantages/disadvantages? Of course nothing replaces the eyeball, but how well do these work/ integrate with other systems? And can it integrate with more than one system at a time, i.e. Advanced Flight System and WingX Pro?

Secondly, I'm still tumbleweed on how ADS-B works/ what you need to play, and its advantages and disadvantages. Where can I go to get smarter on the topic.

I am trying to gain more SA on the traffic systems out there to really see what I would want/ how I would want to build my Traffic SA system.
The XRX alone has no ADS-B capabilities other than it can see Mode S xponders (and others as well).

They have a new box that also can receive some ADS-B data. It integrates with the XRS.

Never seen one or seen any reports of one. Only thing I have seen is the info on the Zaon website.
We have a XRX in the 10, and my wife loves it. It is mounted on her side of the glare shield.

It does a good job of picking up traffic, but it takes a while to get used to figuring out where the traffic is------the readout is in quadrants, so you actually have to scan a 90* area, and not just in the direction the arrow is pointing.

We almost always see the indication on the XRX before the call out from ATC, but the fact remains that you still need to look out the window and search for the traffic.